8:11 am today

Mapping out Long Covid on the body

From Saturday Morning, 8:11 am today
Composite image of Long Covid body maps pinned up on a newspaper background

Photo: Supplied

Having Long Covid can be an extremely isolating experience, patients may not look unwell, but they have debilitating symptoms like shortness of breath, muscle pain or extreme fatigue.

Sufferers say it's hard to explain what's happening, but now there's another language to help them communicate.

It's called "body mapping" and is bringing positive results to Long Covid patients. 

Oxford University research fellow Maaret Yokela-Pansini teamed up with colleague Professor Beth Greenhough to use body mapping for their project Visualising Long Covid, with the help of charity Long Covid Support.

Former professional rower turned Long Covid advocate, Oonagh Cousins, says body mapping allowed her to reflect on how the illness is experienced in different parts of the body.

Maaret and Oonagh speak to Mihi.

Maaret Jokela-Pansini (left), Oonagh Cousins (right).

Maaret Jokela-Pansini (left), Oonagh Cousins (right). Photo: Supplied / Maaret Jokela-Pansini / Oonagh Cousins