9 Feb 2020

Mike Sorenson - Dancing through Depression

From Standing Room Only, 2:50 pm on 9 February 2020

Hamiltonian Mike Sorenson spends his days fixing cars - but his spare time is dedicated to dancing and creating work that gets people talking about tough issues like mental health. 

Mike's new work is called  Enough - a piece that looks at his own experience with depression, and expresses it through dance. 

After a couple of work in progress shows, Enough is about to be performed outdoors as part of the Hamilton Gardens Arts Festival.

Mike went into our Hamilton studio to talk about Enough and about how he got involved in dance while growing up in a sports mad part of the country. 

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Photo: supplied

Where to go for help:
Need to talk to someone? Free text or call 1737 for support from a trained counsellor.
Lifeline - 0800 543 354
Suicide Crisis Helpline - 0508 828 865 (TAUTOKO)
Depression Helpline - 0800 111 757 or free text 4202