I heard them on the radio - Apocalypse Songs
Lockdown proved to be the perfect time for Cassandra Tse and James Cain, to dust off an old script and turn it into a audio drama podcast series. Apocalypse Songs by Wellington's Red Scare Theatre Company is about to be unleashed. Although the script for Apocalypse Songs was written in 2018,production didn't begin until Aotearoa entered lockdown. The Red Scare team realized that this project could be recorded under Level 4 restrictions if need be. It could also provide entertainment to New Zealanders all over the country from the safety of their own homes. After receiving grants from both Creative New Zealand and Wellington City Council, Tse and Cain tell Lynn Freeman they managed to recruit an impressive roster of cast and crew to make the story come alive. Apocalypse Songs premieres on the 4th of July on RadioActive.fm, then will be available to download as a podcast.