A nostalgic series of stylised paintings of state houses is about to go on show, the work of Pirongia-based artist Carmel Van Der Hoeven.
Though, what with the thousands that have been sold off, knocked down and gentrified, those "little boxes" are getting harder to find!
The "State House Series" makes up part of Carmel's Mortal Dreams show, that will also include the large, brightly-coloured, floral paintings she's best known for.
Carmel's painted 60 works so far in the "State House Series", and she still goes searching for more on her travels.
Lynn Freeman asked what got her started down this track...
Carmel Van Der Hoeven's exhibition Mortal Dreams opens on Friday 18 Nov at Turua Popup Gallery on Khyber Pass Road in Tāmaki Makaurau.