With over 600,000 podcasts out there in the world - at the latest count, where does one start?
Richard Scott from The Podcast Hour shares some of his top picks from 2018.
You can find other episodes of The Podcast Hour here.
The Teacher's Pet
Cracking a cold case? The Teacher's Pet
'The Teacher's Pet' is an Australian true crime series that centres on the disappearance and suspected murder of Sydney woman Lyn Dawson in 1982. The show's uncovered new evidence and witnesses to the… Audio
Listen to The Teacher's Pet here.
Death in Ice Valley
A murder mystery? Death In Ice Valley
The badly burned body of a woman is discovered in a valley in Norway. Arranged around her is an odd assortment of objects, and all the labels have been removed from her clothes. Although it sounds… Audio
Listen to Death in Ice Valley here.
The Habitat
The Habitat: six volunteers simulate a Mars mission in an isolation dome
What if the technological challenge of getting to Mars and back isn't the biggest obstacle we have to overcome? Could human relationships, our ability to manage stress and conflict and solve problems… Audio
Listen to The Habitat here.
The Lip
The Lip: extraordinary tales from ordinary Kiwis
The Lip is an independent, locally produced podcast created by former magazine journo Megan McChesney. She speaks with Richard Scott about the challenges of getting The Lip off the ground - and shares… Audio
Listen to The Lip here.