12 Dec 2021

Paul Kelly: "I've always loved Christmas music"

From Sunday Morning, 10:27 am on 12 December 2021

Paul Kelly's name wouldn't be the first that springs to mind for a lot of people when they think about Christmas music, but the celebrated Australian singer-songwriter's 1996 song 'How To Make Gravy' is the only Christmas song for a lot of others. Kelly, who was recently voted Australia's Most Respected Artist, has continued with the Christmas theme by releasing Paul Kelly's Christmas Train, an extraordinary 22-song double album which sees the roots-rock troubadour take an extensive deep dive into all parts of modern Christmas, including a new version of 'How to Make Gravy' 25 years after its initial release. The first single 'Christmas' is out now. Kelly joins the show to discuss Paul Kelly's Christmas Train, which includes Marlon Williams' take on the classic 'O Holy Night,' and why he has always been a fan of Christmas and its music.

Celebrated Australian singer-songwriter Paul Kelly has a new Christmas album out.

Celebrated Australian singer-songwriter Paul Kelly has a new Christmas album out. Photo: Michael Hili