29 Oct 2023

Zazie Todd: Are we pathologising normal pooch behaviour?

From Sunday Morning, 9:40 am on 29 October 2023

In the space of a few short years, discussions around ‘anxiety’ and ‘feeling anxious’ have entered the mainstream.

While the rise in anxiety among humans is a well-documented phenomenon, the similarly rapid rise in our companion animals has flown under the radar.

Yet, our pets, particularly pooches, are increasingly prescribed anti-anxiety medication.

So, are our animals really more anxious? Or are we pathologising normal pet behaviour? The jury is out.

Dr Zazie Todd is an animal behaviour expert who founded Companion Animal Psychology in 2012 to explore ways in which science can help us to have happier pets. 

Composite image of animal behaviour expert Zazie Todd sitting with her dog overlayed with the cover of her book "Wag: The Science of Making your Dog Happy

Photo: companionanimalpsychology.com

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