15 Jan 2022

Nick Bollinger: sounds of Aotearoa's counter culture

From Summer Weekends, 11:06 am on 15 January 2022

What exactly is counter culture? Were Baby Boomers ever actually cool? Musician, historian and critic Nick Bollinger has been on a mission to find out what the cultural moment of the late 1960s and early 1970s sounded like in Aotearoa. He's got a book coming out later this year on the subject, but he's fresh out of the archive now and ready to play us some hits, from a period of great change.

BLERTA kids show at Pukekura Park, New Plymouth on the first North Island tour, 1972. Corben Simpson (vocals), Bruno Lawrence (drums), Alan Moon (hammond organ), Beaver vocals and Chris Seresin keyboards.

BLERTA kids show at Pukekura Park, New Plymouth on the first North Island tour, 1972. Corben Simpson (vocals), Bruno Lawrence (drums), Alan Moon (hammond organ), Beaver vocals and Chris Seresin keyboards. Photo: Helen Whiteford, used with permission.