16 Jun 2015

In Colour by Jamie xx

From The Sampler, 7:30 pm on 16 June 2015

Nick Bollinger surveys the solo debut of xx founder and producer Jamie xx.

Jamie XX In ColourJamie Smith, the keyboard-playing deejay and producer of London’s popular The xx, makes his solo debut, though bandmates Oliver Sim and Romy Madley Croft both have cameos. But this mainly instrumental album is, for the most part, a tribute to the sounds that conjured worlds for Smith before he was even old enough to get into clubs. Over its 40 action-filled minutes, In Colour roams freely through the alleyways of dance music and electronica, with sense of affection and even nostalgia, forming a portrait of the producer as a young man.

Songs Featured: Gosh, Sleep Sound. Obvs, SeeSaw, Stranger In A Room

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