Navigation for Waitangi Day

Tēnā koutou e te motu, 

Join Mani Dunlop and Julian Wilcox with a live broadcast from the Waitangi Treaty grounds from 8am to midday. 

Waitangi 2021: Mara TK and Aja Wairere-Ropata

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Photo: Dom Thomas

Singer/songwriter Mara TK from Ngai Tahu, Ngati Kahungunu and Tainui has a new album on its way in May this year. The new album gets personal and political - delving into one of the biggest issues facing Maori men, mental health and the response, or lack thereof, from the Government. Mani spoke with - and heard songs from - Aja Wairere-Ropata and Mara TK. Including an exclusive release of Mara TK's new song 'Highly Medicated.'

Waitangi 2021: Mohi Allen

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Photo: Provided

Aotearoa is blessed with musical talent, and a chorus of up-and-coming young Maori talent hitting the nations airwaves. One of these youngsters, Mohi Allen, was at Waitangi Day 2021, and is of Ngapuhi, Te Rarawa, Tauranga Moana and Ngati Kahungunu ki Te Wairoa descent. Mohi is a on mission to reinvigorate te reo Maori through music, and thats the topic of his Master's thesis. He spoke with Mani and Julian from the Treaty Grounds.

Waitangi 2021: Claudia Orange

Claudia Orange.

Claudia Orange. Photo: RNZ

Today's commemorations mark the initial signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, which eventually involved 540 rangatira around Aotearoa, and representatives of the British Crown. Dame Claudia Orange's writing on the Treaty has contributed to New Zealanders' understanding of this history for over thirty years. Her book on The Treaty of Waitangi was first published in 1987, and Bridget Williams Books has just released an updated edition. Dame Claudia Orange spoke with Julian Wilcox.


Waitangi 2021: Koro Vaka'uta

RNZ Pacific's News Editor, Koro Vaka'uta.

RNZ Pacific's News Editor, Koro Vaka'uta. Photo: RNZ Pacific

Waitangi Day is a day for all New Zealanders, and for Pasifika/Maori New Zealanders, its a chance to reflect, particularly as Maori, but also as Tangata Tiriti through their Pasifika culture. RNZ Pacific News Editor, Koro Vaka'uta, talked with New Zealanders of dual heritage.

Waitangi 2021: Ta Tipene O'Regan

Iwi leader Sir Tipene O'Regan

Iwi leader Sir Tipene O'Regan Photo: Supplied

Every year, Ngai Tahu commemorates the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in its takiwa at one of three locations - Otakou Marae on the Otakou Peninsula, Onuku Marae in Akaroa, and Te Rau Aroha Marae at Awarua in Bluff. This year Ngai Tahu has gathered at Awarua, in Bluff, 15 kilometres southeast of Ruapuke Island, where southern chiefs signed Te Tiriti.

Ta Tipene O'Regan is the Upoko, or Traditional Head of Awarua Runanga. He was also the Chief Negotiator for the Ngai Tahu claim, and is credited as being one of the key architects of the Treaty of Waitangi Settlements process. He spoke with Julian Wilcox.

Waitangi 2021: Ripeka Evans

Ripeka Evans

Ripeka Evans Photo: RNZ

More than a quarter of a century since the mana wahine claim was first filed, the Waitangi Tribunal has finally begun hearing from Maori women about the impact of colonisation which caused the negation of rights over their bodies, minds and beliefs. Ripeka Evans is one of the original claimants and joined Mani Dunlop on the Treaty Grounds at Waitangi to discuss the long fight to have their case heard.

Waitangi 2021: Shane Te Pou & Jenny Marcroft

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Photo: Provided

October's election saw Labour returned to the government with a historic majority under MMP. Not only does the party have enough MPs to govern alone - they also have their largest ever Maori caucus. So what will that mean in terms of policy priorities and delivery? To discuss this Julian is joined at the Treaty Grounds by Shane Te Pou, no Ngai Tuhoe, a former candidate, campaign manager and executive member of the Labour Party and former NZ First MP, no Ngapuhi, Ngati Wai and Te Arawa, from the Hokianga, Jenny Marcroft.

Waitangi 2021: Te Rawhitiroa Bosch

Te Rawhitiroa Bosch

Te Rawhitiroa Bosch Photo: Provided

This week saw the launch of a fascinating exhibition 'He kaupapa waka' at Te Kōngahu Museum at Waitangi. It's the work of photographer Te Rawhitiroa Bosch no Ngapuhi, Ngati Kahu me te iwi Pakeha. He sat down with Mani and Julian about how 'he kaupapa waka' began. The exhibition runs at Waitangi for most of the rest of 2021.

Waitangi 2021: Ngapuhi Runanga chair Wayne Wharerau

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Photo: RNZ / Jogai Bhatt

It's fair to say that there has been a lot of change recently at the helm of the nations largest iwi, Te Runanga a iwi o Ngapuhi. In November last year, policeman Wayne Wharerau was elected as Chair of the Ngapuhi Runanga, signalling a change in personnel, and possibly the approach, at the top of the organisation.

So what is the vision Wayne Wharerau has for the iwi, and what changes can the iwi expect to see, as it seeks a Treaty settlement? Te Runanga a Iwi o Ngapuhi Chair, Wayne Wharerau, joined Māni and Julian at the Treaty Grounds.

Waitangi 2021: National party leader Judith Collins

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Photo: RNZ / Sam Rillstone

Judith Collins has had her first experience at Waitangi as National Party leader. With her recent announcement that her party would look to contest Maori electorate seats at the next election, and her right to speak on the mahau at Te Whare Runanga as leader next year confirmed by Te Waihoroi Shortland, Judith Collins discussed her party's position on Maori issues with Julian Wilcox.

Waitangi 2021: ACT MP David Seymour

ACT's David Seymour was joined at Te Whare Runanga this year by his party's nine new MPs. 

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Photo: RNZ / Sam Rillstone

He sat down with Mani after the politicans powhiri to discuss his plans for the coming year - and his time at Waitangi, both as an MP, and as a rangatahi.

Waitangi 2021: Green party co-leader Marama Davidson

Marama Davidson

Marama Davidson Photo: RNZ / Jogai Bhatt

The Green Party bestowed the responsibility of its korero on the Marae at Waitangi to new MP, Teanau Tuiono who is no stranger to Waitangi, and also recalled his own whakapapa links to the North. Yesterday the Green Party announced it will make Te Tiriti o Waitangi the centre of all their policies. So how will this will be realised?

Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson, no Ngapuhi, Te Rarawa, Ngati Porou explains.

Waitangi 2021: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern

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Photo: Provided

Prime Minister gave her address on the mahau of Te Whare Runanga earlier this week. Jacinda Ardern confirmed that a new public holiday acknowledging Matariki, one of the star clusters that heralds the traditional Maori New Year, will be held on 24 June 2022. She also acknowledged that, whilst her Government had made some progress for Maori, what the party had achieved was not enough. Ms Ardern spoke with Julian Wilcox about what her political priorities are this year.

Waitangi 2021: Bishop Te Kitohi Pikaahu

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Photo: Provided

This years Dawn Service was a little different from previous years, due to concerns around Covid-19. Around 2500 people joined the service which was held outside the Whare Runanga on the marae atea at the Waitangi Treaty Grounds. There were a lower than expected number of attendees at the dawn service this year, but it was filled with karakia, korero, and katakata. So what is the significance of the timing of such as service - why is it held at dawn? We spoke to the Bishop of Te Taitokerau, the Right Reverand Te Kitohi Pikaahu.