6 Feb 2020

Will voters welcome the Maori Party back?

From Waitangi Day, 8:52 am on 6 February 2020

Ousted at the last election, the Maori Party will seeking to get back into Parliament in September. The party hit its high point back in 2008 when it won five of the seven Maori seats, but lost seats each following election... until Labour swept the Maori seats in 2017, which spelled the end of Te Ururoa Flavell and Marama Fox's time in the House. In their absence have voters reconsidered their impact on New Zealand politics, and will they welcome them back? Che Wilson is a co-president of the Maori Party.

Che Wilson nō Ngāti Rangi, Te Atihaunui a Papārangi.

Che Wilson nō Ngāti Rangi, Te Atihaunui a Papārangi. Photo: RNZ/Justine Murray

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