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Budget 2024
Budget 2024 headlines with summaries.
What will the government get out of Budget 2024?
31 May 2024Week in Politics - Coverage has focused on what voters could get out of the budget, but what impact could it have on the coalition's popularity?
Budget 2024: Will tax cuts and borrowing worsen inflation?
29 May 2024Analysis - Finance Minister Nicola Willis has confirmed the budget will introduce "meaningful but modest" tax relief. But what impact will these cuts have on the economy?
Budget 2024 in charts: What does it all mean?
The promise of tax cuts isn't enough to disguise the other clear message in the government's Budget: the economic outlook is still gloomy. Kate Newton breaks down what that means for you.
'Catastrophe': Labour attacks Budget over cuts for housing
Cuts to Warmer Kiwi Homes and public housing maintenance were among changes in this year's budget.
'Just cruel' - Labour attacks government on cancer drugs
"I don't think they should have gone down that road," Chris Hipkins says as he critcises both the government's promise and lack of funding in the Budget.
Govt breaks Budget promise to fund more mental health specialists
Psychiatrists are disappointed they won't get the 13 additional psychiatry registrar places National had committed to.
Flood protection fund ambulance at bottom of cliff - resident
3 Jun 2024The Budget set aside $200m for flood resilience infrastructure, including stopbank improvements.
Budget 2024 a 'mixed bag' for disabled people
1 Jun 2024Opinion - Relief over a boost for Whaikaha is tempered by disappointment that flexibility for individualised funding was not restored, Chris Ford writes.
Budget 'lives up to a dispiriting tradition of short-termism'
31 May 2024Opinion - This Budget, like many before it, is convenient for today but stores up problems for future generations, Shamubeel Eaqub writes.
Line by line: The coalition's Budget cuts in one list
1 Jun 2024The government has made a virtue of its tax cuts being paid for through 240 savings and reprioritisations, unveiled in Thursday's budget. Here's what's been cut, by how much.
Labour Party wants your tax cut
Labour leader Chris Hipkins is defending his party's decision to suggest supporters donate their tax cuts to it.
Budget 2024 doesn't reflect Māori needs, critic says
31 May 2024Funding for more police and for expanding Waikeria Prison will only result in an increase in the Māori prison population, Julia Whaipooti says.
Budget Day action: Strikes or protests?
30 May 2024Police suggest people work from home as nationwide protests are planned for Thursday, while employees planning to strike risk disciplinary action. Audio
Government 'should commit to more regular tax change'
Inflation has helped the government net more tax, but some say it is time that changed.
How much tax relief are we really getting?
31 May 2024The government has dressed up its tax bracket adjustments as tax cuts, but do they scratch the surface of inflation? We've crunched the numbers.
Officials urged govt to delay tax cuts, considered $18b 'flat tax' plan from ACT
31 May 2024Officials advising the government on the Budget advised ministers to tweak the government's tax policy to save cost, and said it should commence from 1 October, rather than 31 July.
'Every little bit helps' as millions get extra $30 a week in Budget
Voters spoken to by RNZ say the tax cuts will have a "positive impact" - and they're looking forward to pocketing a little extra cash.
'Assault on nature': Environment loses in Budget 2024
30 May 2024The government's only new environmental funding will go to resource management reforms, which have been relaxing rules for natural protection.
Budget 24: How's it being received?
Love it or hate it, the Budget will affect you in some way. This is what industry leaders have to say about funding that might impact you.
Budget at a glance: Spending and savings - what you need to know
31 May 2024The coalition is confident Budget 2024 is just what was promised: tax relief for the squeezed middle and reduced spending. Here's the main spending and savings.
As it happened: Political parties react to Budget 2024 - see what they have to say
30 May 2024National has kept its tax cut promise in the coalition's debut Budget, laying out a relief package largely in line with the 'Back Pocket Boost' it campaigned on during the election.
Government surpluses get further away as economy struggles
The government has been forced to tighten its belt to pay for tax cuts.
Budget 2024: Try RNZ's tax calculator
Try RNZ's tax calculator to see whether the government's tax changes will help your family.
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