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2023年大选 headlines with summaries.
Despite struggles, older Chinese voters keen to engage in the political process
6 Oct 2023Local support groups are bringing candidates from all sides of the political spectrum together to inform the elderly Chinese community.
28 Sep 2023工党Hipkins和国家党Luxon在昨晚的Newshub电视辩论中再次交锋,火药味明显重于第一次辩论。在这次辩论中,许多新议题被提及,也有许多更明确的表态和承诺。
28 Sep 2023华裔对各党派宣布的父母长期访客签证喜忧参半,有人称此举众望所归,有人认为这只是各政党为了拉选票而吸引眼球,还有人则希望这项政策不要影响目前的父母团聚移民政策。
28 Sep 2023最新民调显示国家党、行动党支持率均有1个百分点以上的下降,而绿党支持率涨幅最高。但左翼政党总票数距离多数党仍有很大差距。
Immigration in spotlight as Labour, National, ACT unveil similar policies
23 Sep 2023The three parties have all launched immigration policies targeting migrant parents and grandparents, with Labour also promising amnesty for some overstayers.
27 Sep 2023三党派新签证政策整体类似,细则略有不同,这意味着无论哪个党派胜选,华人社群关注的父母团聚替代方案基本成型。此外,工党也宣布了一次性大赦。
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