The Green Party has welcomed six new MPs to its first caucus meeting since the election.
The party won more than 10% of the party vote - its best result ever - giving it 13 MPs.
Eugenie Sage, Jan Logie, Steffan Browning, Denise Roche, Holly Walker and Julie-Anne Genter joined seven returning MPs.
Ms Walker, No 12 on the list, said she had been at the caucus table before as a staff member, so Tuesday's meeting felt both familiar and new.
Co-leader Metiria Turei says the caucus meeting will be about the next steps for their new MPs.
The Greens will be talking to National this week about common policy areas the two parties can work on over the next three years.
Ms Turei says the party is still in the very early days of negotiations and has yet to speak to National.
She says the party is likely to have a similar arrangement to the last Parliamentary term when National and the Greens had a Memorandum of Understanding.