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Health authorities issue warning over Ayurvedic remedies

2:46 pm on 19 March 2024
Ayurveda is a traditional form of Indian medicine based around herbs and massage.

Photo: Adobe Stock

Medsafe has warned the public to be vigilant when consuming Ayurvedic remedies after several cases of poisoning have been reported.

Ayurveda is a traditional form of Indian medicine based around herbs and massage.

"In the past few months, there have been eight notified cases of lead poisoning in people taking Ayurvedic medicines in New Zealand," Medsafe said.

"Some of these people have been extremely unwell, with symptoms including abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and constipation," Medsafe said. "Investigations are underway to identify the products concerned and where they were obtained."

The cases of lead poisoning were reported in Auckland and the Bay of Plenty, Health New Zealand said.

"Some patients have also been admitted to hospital many times, with two of the patients found to have such high levels of lead in their blood that they were at risk of critical illness and death," Health New Zealand said.

"Thankfully the patients have recovered. However, all reported taking Ayurvedic remedies prior to becoming unwell," Health New Zealand said, adding that the patients took Ayurvedic remedies to counter such problems as severe abdominal pain, infertility, impotence and chronic pain.

Medsafe has warned consumers to purchase Ayurvedic remedies only if the ingredients are clearly labelled and come from a reputable source.

"If you become unwell after taking an Ayurvedic medicine, seek urgent advice from your doctor or pharmacist. Help is also available by calling Healthline on 0800 611 116," Medsafe said.

"We have received samples of some of the products identified in the lead poisoning cases," Medsafe said. "They were reported to have been brought into the country by a traveller who purchased them in India. Laboratory testing identified very toxic levels of lead."

Medsafe is working with other agencies to identify these products and remove them from circulation.

"There are no approved Ayurvedic medicines in New Zealand," Medsafe said.

The National Poisons Centre is available to provide advice for any cases of known or suspected lead toxicity at 0800 764 766.

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