The guns have gone quiet and a two minute silence has been observed to mark the moment our World War I soldiers put down their weapons 100 years ago.
On November 11, 1918 the fighting ceased at 11am after the Allied Powers and Germany signed the Armistice.
A gun salute was held at the Wellington waterfront with soldiers firing each of the 10 cannons, stationed outside Te Papa, 10 times.
The guns fell silent at 11am as they did 100 years ago.
Following the two-minute silence at 11am, there was a cacophony of sound to replicate how the public responded to news of the Armistice in 1918.
At the same time, hundreds turned out for a service held at the Pukeahu National War Memorial Park with the Prime Minister and Governor General Dame Patsy in attendance.
Hundreds gathered at Pukeahu for the service. Photo: RNZ
In Auckland, a remembrance service was held which included a fly-past by three World War I aircraft.
A small service with soldiers was held at Pukeahu National War Memorial Park at dawn.
The Remembrance Wreath was carried by members of the defence force and was laid at the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior.
The Remembrance Wreath has been laid on the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior. Photo: RNZ
Medals were also placed on the tomb, followed by a waiata and the last post to finish the ceremony.
Warrant Officer Class One Robert Jobe wearing the cloak he wove. Photo: RNZ
Warrant Officer Class One, Robert Jobe has woven his own korowai and said the cloak was made as a symbol to link the past to the future.
Officer Jobe said he has visited different battlefields in Europe with the cloak.
"When I wove this cloak and took it Gallipoli, I thought I was picking up a piece of plastic, but I picked up bone, when I realised, I did a karakia put it back into the ground, but that is in this cloak," he said.
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On the inside of the cloak were hand-stitched poppies.
Robert Jobe said it is an honour to wear the cloak at today's dawn service.
He added there were a range of ages at today's events.
"We've got some older soldiers who have been overseas and made a commitment to the Defence Force and deployed, and then you've got the younger soldiers here today, they will also get that opportunity."
"When you go overseas, when you understand what those in the past have been through and what you're going through, you get this sense of belonging understanding, that's why we're a family," he said.
Christchurch's Cramner Square has been covered with thousands of crosses to remember those who died in the First World War.
A parade was held at Christchurch's Bridge of Remembrance at 10:55am.
The commemoration's will finish at 7:30pm with a Sunset Ceremony at Pukeahu Park. The final last post of the centenary will be played at 8.15pm.