Two Wellington iwi will have greater oversight over the management of the region's water.
Photo: 123RF
It has taken over two and a half years to get mana whenua representation on the Wellington Water Committee, which includes representatives from each local council, but Ngāti Toa and Taranaki Whānui both now have a seat at the table.
Ngāti Toa resource management and communications manager, Naomi Solomon, said it was important that mana whenua had an opportunity to influence decisions about water.
"A lot of what the water committee does as well is largely related to infrastructure issues, which for us is major in relation to waste water and storm water management in the area, and it's particularly here in Porirua a major issue, that hopefully our seat on the water committee can help to influence."
She said the iwi were also concerned about the granting of future water bottling consent.