Two people have died in crashes in Manawatū and Nelson early this morning and a pedestrian died after being struck by a vehicle in Bay of Plenty last night.
Photo: RNZ / Alexander Robertson
In Nelson, one person died and two people were seriously injured in a crash.
Police said they were responding to a call about an unrelated incident at about 1.35am when a nearby vehicle sped off in Waimea Road.
It was found a short time later near the intersection of Rutherford and Examiner Streets, where it had crashed into a tree. One person died at the scene.
Police said cordons will be in place this morning while the scene is examined and motorists should avoid the area if possible.
In the North Island, a person died after a single vehicle crash on Rangiotu Road in Tiakitahuna in Manawatū at about 2.30am, police said.
And a pedestrian died in Waikato last night after being struck by at least one vehicle on State Highway 1 near Tirau at about 8.30pm.
Police said it appears the person had been walking on SH1 towards Tirau prior to being hit and they are still investigating what happened.
Meanwhile, in Dunedin this morning a pedestrian has been left with major injuries after being struck by a car near Mosgiel.
A police spokesperson said officers responded to reports of the crash at the intersection of Gladstone Road North and Paterson Road at 8.30am.
The person hit was taken to Dunedin Hospital in a serious condition. Inquiries to identify and locate the driver are ongoing.