File photo Photo: RNZ / Marika Khabazi
Two remand prisoners who escaped custody on Auckland's Southern Motorway last week have been found, police say.
On 10 February, police said three remand prisoners escaped from a van, which was heading north towards Mt Eden prison, near the Ellerslie-Panmure Highway off-ramp about 2.40pm.
They had fled on foot towards the South-Eastern Highway, before stealing a vehicle from a passer-by and driving off, police said.
On Tuesday, detective senior sergeant Lisa Anderson said a 24-year-old man and a 45-year-old man were arrested overnight in Auckland.
But a third man who had escaped with the pair was still on the run, Anderson said.
"We reiterate our message to anyone who is found to be harbouring him that they could face prosecution."
Police continue to advise the public to not approach the 43-year-old if found, instead they should contact 111 immediately.
The two arrested men are expected to appear in Auckland District Court on Tuesday, facing charges of escapes custody and offences related to a stolen vehicle.
Corrections has launched a review into the incident.