Spending of Aucklanders is higher than other regions, particularly in housing and transport, according to the household economic survey from Stats NZ. Photo: 123rf
Aucklanders' carbon impact is 15 percent higher than average households across the country, according to a report released on Monday.
The report, commissioned by Auckland Council, also found food, housing, utilities, and transport are the largest drivers of emissions from households across the country.
A 2020 study showed New Zealand was the fourth highest producer of gross emissions per capita in the OECD, due to the country's wealth.
Lead climate mitigation adviser Adrien Bouzonville said consumption was an important factor that contributed greenhouse gas emissions.
It was crucial to consider the elements, such as indirect emissions, which made up Auckland's carbon footprint, Bouzonville said.
"We looked at the number from the household economic survey from NZ Stats, and the spending of Aucklanders is higher than other regions, particularly in housing and transport," he said.
Seventy three percent of Aucklanders were prepared to change their consumption habits to reduce climate change, Bouzonville said.
"[Fifteen percent] seems high, but it's actually accounting for all the indirect emissions from the expenses, so every time someone purchases a product or service which has been manufactured overseas, it's captured in the spending and that expense."
The council had said it was committed to reducing its carbon emissions by 50 percent by 2030.
In a statement released by council, Planning, Environment and Parks Committee chair Richard Hills, who is also a North Shore councillor, said nine out of 10 Aucklanders believed council had a critical role to play in reducing the city's emissions.
Their aim was to take lead in helping Aucklanders understand the steps they could take to achieve successful climate action, Hills said.