Representational image. Photo: 123rf
The public is being asked to watch out for counterfeit money after four people were arrested for passing off fraudulent cash in Auckland on Thursday.
A woman was found with $1200 worth of fake notes under her clothes along with two others who made purchases with the forgeries in Warkworth and Ōrewa, north Auckland on Thursday.
Waitematā North Area senior sergeant Roger Small said the forged bank notes had allegedly been handed to staff, with legitimate currency being handed over as change.
"All were sitting in the same parked vehicle in Warkworth, which we had identified as a vehicle of interest connected to earlier offending.
"Of the five people in the vehicle, three were identified as having allegedly used counterfeit bills.
"One occupant had $1200 worth of fake notes hidden in her undergarments."
Two women, aged 33 and 25, are yet to be charged.
A 37-year-old man has been charged with possessing a forged banknote and using a forged document. He will appear in the North Shore District Court today.
The same day another man stole tobacco after a shopkeeper in Sunnyhills in east Auckland refused to accept a forged bill.
Counties Manukau East Area Commander inspector Rod Honan said a man had allegedly tried to pay for "tobacco products" with a counterfeit note.
He said the man fled the scene but was later located by the Eagle helicopter.
After making follow-up enquiries at an address in Pakuranga, the suspected vehicle arrived on the scene, he said.
"We signalled for the driver to stop but he took off at speed, and we decided not to pursue due to the manner of driving.
"The police Eagle helicopter was able to locate this vehicle and direct police staff to it in Māngere.
"We also found a firearm in the back of this vehicle," Honan said.
The 33-year-old man has been charged with unlawfully carrying or possessing a firearm, restricted weapon or explosives and failing to remain stopped for an enforcement officer. He is to appear in the Manukau District Court today.