Parliament is sitting for longer today to push through three treaty bills before the House rises for the election.
The Ngatikahu ki Whangaroa Claims Settlement Bill settles the treaty claim for about 3000 people whose rohe lies in the Far North between the Mangonui and Whangaroa harbours.
Photo: RNZ / Demelza Leslie
Treaty Negotiations Minister Chris Finlayson told the House the legislation returned the Stoney Creek Station and other lands to the hapū.
"The people of Ngatikahu ki Whangaroa will once again be able to exercise their kaitiakitanga over their land and the $6.2 million in financial redress will enable them to repair the deteriorating state of the farm, a situation that simply cannot continue."
The bill passed its third reading by 107 to 12 with New Zealand First voting against.
The Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki and Heretaunga Tamatea Claims Settlement Bill also passed their first readings.
Those two bills will be considered by the Māori Affairs Select Committee, when Parliament resumes after the general election.
The government intends for the House to rise on Thursday and for Parliament to dissolve on Monday, ahead of the election on September 23.