What school lunch provider Libelle's biggest problem was

21 minutes ago

*This article has been updated to clarify Deloitte is waiting on unpaid invoices from suppliers and customers and is unsure whether these are substantially overdue.

School lunches - Compass example macaroni & cheese

Photo: RNZ/Calvin Samuel

Deloitte has told RNZ scaling up too fast was one of the biggest problems facing Libelle.

David Webb also confirmed it was waiting on unpaid invoices from its customers, but at this point it was unclear if it was "substantially overdue or whether they were just in the course of business".

He said most of Libelle staff have been taken on by Compass to operate the business.

Libelle, which formed part of the School Lunch Collective, went into liquidation last week owing nearly 250 creditors money.

Schools around the country are among those owed more than $14 million by Libelle.

Secondary Principals' Association president Vaughan Couillault said Libelle also operated a number of school tuck shops, and the debts to schools are likely related to rental payments.

He said his own group is among those owed money, as Libelle is a sponsor, but the Association has written that debt off.

Couillault said some tuck shops remain closed, while other operators will have stepped in to keep some open.

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