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District Health Boards say a proposed strike by health workers is opportunistic, considering the election.
Nearly 12,000 health workers throughout New Zealand say they will take industrial action if a pay offer isn't improved.
The workers are at DHBs throughout New Zealand and include mental and public health nurses, physiotherapists, anaesthetic technicians, dental therapists and administrative staff.
They have been offered increases of 0.7 percent, but say they need 2 percent and have a mandate from members to strike if it is not resolved.
Listen to the chairman of the DHB’s employment relations strategy group, Graham Dyer, on Nine to Noon
The Public Service Association says 87 percent of members have voted in favour of industrial action if mediation on 14 and 15 August fails, with a work to rule from 25 August and strike action in early September.
The union's national secretary, Richard Wagstaff, said on Monday nurses and clerical staff want 2 percent extra a year and the other allied workers want that amount over 18 months. All are seeking training and professional development also.