Our weekly recap highlighting the best feature stories from around the internet.
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A Close Reading of Kim Kardashian West’s Latest Film: Kanye and Taylor’s Phone Call – by Sam Donsky, The Ringer
“And maybe that’s one of the overlooked aspects of the Kim-Kanye-Taylor dynamic: They’re among the few people on earth who can actually understand what the other’s life must be like — what they must go through, daily, for better or worse. Which is to say that, like all great feuds, Kimye vs. Taylor is rooted in the most intense schism of all: understanding.”
Leslie Jones' Twitter abuse is a deliberate campaign of hate - Ijeoma Oluo, The Guardian
“This is never organic, this is never an accident – it is a purposeful campaign every time. I have reported hundreds of such abusive tweets and Facebook comments, but can count the number of times that Twitter or Facebook have determined that these horribly violent racist and misogynistic messages violate their policy on one hand. I have blocked over 60,000 people on Twitter, and yet still, every day abuse comes.”
Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Tells All – by Jane Meyer, The New Yorker
“In my phone interview with Trump, he initially said of Schwartz, “Tony was very good. He was the co-author.” But he dismissed Schwartz’s account of the writing process. “He didn’t write the book,” Trump told me. “I wrote the book. I wrote the book. It was my book. And it was a No. 1 best-seller, and one of the best-selling business books of all time. Some say it was the best-selling business book ever.” (It is not.)”
In 1990 Townes van Zandt Got Drunk In A Small New Zealand Town and Played a Free Gig at the Pub – by Ben Stanley, Noisey
“When not performing, van Zandt was cleaning out the locals from their wages in poker. “It was like five hundred dollars or something – quite a lot of money back then,” Ewer says.”
Getting UnREAL About Race – by Ira Madison III, MTV
“UnREAL has always excelled at putting up a funhouse mirror to the conventions of “true love” that permeate saccharine shows like The Bachelor. But we already know those shows aren’t real life, and we mock them when we watch, which is why UnREAL is able to take our obsessions and twist them into something darker, something more wicked.”
The High Priests of Marijuana Fitness – by Alex Mayyasi, Priceonomics
“For McAlpine, opening a cannabis gym—a place where people can openly smoke as they lift weights, practice yoga, or meditate—is simply creating a space to do something he’s done his entire life. “The world’s first cannabis gym was in my parent’s house,” he says.”