And Hayley Holt is taking her spot on breakfast!
Photo: Unknown
Just a month after Mike Hosking and his long-suffering co-host Toni Street abruptly ended their four year reign on TVNZ’s Seven Sharp, a usurper has been crowned: Hilary Barry!
While Barry’s ascent to primetime status may not come as too much of a shock, the announcement of former Green Party candidate Hayley Holt as her Breakfast show replacement has raised eyebrows with concerns already being expressed that her background compromises her impartiality.
Incredible. Appointing a parliamentary candidate to a major broadcast role just weeks after an election they stood in
— David Farrar (@dpfdpf) January 14, 2018
Fortunately Holt, who will join delightful broadcasting sprog Jack Tame as a co-host on the show, seems at present to have no plans to sabotage democracy in her new role, with spokeswoman Rachel Howard telling Stuff "she is aware we do have political figures on the show so she needs to position herself in this way". Phew!
However you may feel about the new appointments (change is hard) the news suggests that what we in the media call a “shake up” may be taking place.
In fact with TVNZ finally rid of Hosking, MediaWorks’ Paul Henry still on some kind of permanent international holiday, and NZME’s Tony Veitch now but a ghastly memory, those more hopeful than I might even speculate that things are looking up.
At a time when terrestrial television just can’t seem to catch a break, and as TVNZ face plunging profits and pitiful press council rulings, Barry’s new primetime spot suggests that the powers that be are having a bit of a strategic rethink. Could it be that a sweet, smart sassy, effervescent woman might be more of a drawcard than a grumpy ageing shock jock?
We can but wait for the ratings to decide.