You’re going to see every single band you saw last year, again, and you’re gunna enjoy it!
So you thought summer was over huh? Life is bleak, the giant squid has gone and the time has come to hoover the dust off your jumpers.
“What happened to festival season!?” You shout. Oh It’s gone, forget it, bin that plastic poncho, It’s time to buy your own umbrella and stop stealing whoever left theirs outside the front door.
You scrape mildew off your boots with some damp loo roll (just me?) and imagine you can still feel the sun on your face and hear the sound of Fat Freddy’s playing from every beach, carpark, café, bar, shop, train station, dairy and pub... but what’s that? You aren’t imagining? You can hear it? AND THEY’RE IN WELLINGTON THIS WEEKEND??
That’s right- Snap out it! Summer’s still going and Homegrown is in town. Leave the jumpers, bin the umbrella! You’re going to see every single band you saw last year, again, and you’re gunna enjoy it!
Photo: Unknown
- Cargo shorts
- Smokes
- Over the shoulder man bag
- Band T-Shirt (long sleeve underneath optional)
- Fresh sneakers
Photo: Unknown
- Gaming T-shirt
- Worried text from Mum.
- Under 18 wristband.
- Superhero snapback
- Baggy jeans.
Photo: Unknown
- Knuckle tattoos
- Earplugs
- Checkerboard slip-on Vans
- Well-defined parting.
- Anti-drugs tee