The crisis inside the Federal Government has worsened, with Barnaby Joyce lashing out at Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.
Barnaby Joyce addresses media ahead of his personal leave. Photo: Screengrab from Ten News
At a press conference this afternoon, an angry-sounding Mr Joyce accused Mr Turnbull of making things worse with comments he gave yesterday about the extramarital affair between Mr Joyce and his former staffer Vikki Campion.
Mr Joyce said the comments caused "further harm" to his family.
"Comments by the Prime Minister yesterday at his press conference … in many instances, they caused further harm. I believe they were in many instances inept and most definitely in many instances unnecessary," he said.
Mr Joyce again refused to resign.
But his response to Mr Turnbull has put more pressure on the Coalition and the government.
Mr Joyce said he would work to improve his relationship with Mr Turnbull.
"I am intending to make sure that, like all relationships, this relationship gets back onto an even keel," he said.
But it is not clear how this damage can be repaired, with Mr Turnbull yesterday voicing such damning comments about the Nationals leader and today Mr Joyce hitting back in similarly angry terms.
The government operates as a coalition between the Liberals and the much smaller National Party.
The dispute between Mr Turnbull and Mr Joyce has jeopardised that.
Mr Joyce told the media the National Party resents being told what to do about its own leadership.
"In regards to the National Party there is nothing we dislike more than implied intervention into the processes of the National Party," he said.
Many in the Nationals believe Mr Turnbull's remarks yesterday were aimed at forcing Mr Joyce out.