27 Sep 2024

Spy Scandal: the story of Dr Bill Sutch

From Black Sheep, 5:00 am on 27 September 2024


William Ball Sutch, circa 1947.

Photo: https://natlib.govt.nz/records/22607921

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Check our RNZ's award winning podcast The Service for more about the history of the SIS in New Zealand.

On a rainy night in Aro Valley on September 26th 1974, Dr Bill Sutch was intercepted by police and SIS agents meeting with the KGB's man in Wellington, Dimitri Razgovorov.

Sutch had been spotted on 3 earlier occasions meeting with Razgovorov, including one where he was observed possibly handing Razgovorov from his briefcase.

Bill Sutch was ultimately found not guilty of breaching the official secrets act, but the accusations polarised New Zealand. Supporters saw Such as the victim of a political witch-hunt for his left wing views, detractors said he was "guilty as sin".

But in the 50 years since his arrest, more evidence has been revealed about Bill Sutch, and in this Bonus episode of Black Sheep, we look at his story.

Further reading: