Andrew Little
Health Minister details plan to fix surgery waitlist blowout
The government's introducing a 'high-powered task force' to tackle the issue of ballooning waitlists for hospital operations and appointments.
There are 27,000 people who've been waiting four months… Video, Audio
Emergency drug approvals overseas making it hard to see what to fund here - Little
The Health Minister says emergency cancer drug approvals overseas are making it difficult to identify which medicines New Zealand should fund.
The Cancer Control Agency released a report today, which… Audio
More details on major health shake up
The government has revealed more details on its major shake up of health services.
Minister Andrew Little has announced plans to create up to 80 local offices - the first nine in Otara, Hauraki… Audio
Overseas ICU nurse recruitment drive filled 3 jobs in 2 months
An overseas recruitment campaign targeting intensive care nurses has lured just three people into jobs here since it launched two months ago.
The $300,000 campaign was set up to entice New… Audio
Andrew Little on Bloomfield, McElnay resignations
The country's three top health directors have resigned - including Dr Ashley Bloomfield.
The triple exodus from the Ministry of Health comes as the Omicron outbreak peaks in some regions, and… Audio
Health Minister doubles training spaces for mental health nurses
The Health Minister has presented a new plan today to bolster the mental health nursing workforce - by doubling the number of funded training spaces available.
The $77 million initiative comes from a… Audio
Covid-19: New Zealand well prepared for Omicron surge - Andrew Little
The Government is preparing for a more hands-off approach once Omicron cases in the community grow to their thousands.
A three phase plan has been announced.
In phase one, which we're in now… Audio
Covid-19: Andrew Little on extra funding for local hospitals
Twenty-four hospitals from Kaitaia to Invercargill will have pandemic improvements made.
Health Minister Andrew Little has announced the upgrades to 350 hospital beds around the country to better… Audio
Covid-19: Health Minister on government funding boost for ICU
North Shore, Tauranga and Christchurch hospitals are the first to receive a boost from a $100 million fund to expand intensive care facilities.
The Government has earmarked the capital spend from the… Audio
Little on the home isloation process
Minister of Health Andrew Littlle says the Government had erred in the early stages of the home isolation process by not ensuring a clinical assessment was offered to all patients. He spoke to Susie… Audio
Covid-19: Andrew Little on why there's no target to change traffic light settings
Health Minister Andrew Little says officials will make a 'human judgement' rather than set specific criteria for regions to shift down in the traffic light system.
However he says any shifts… Audio
Widow on discovery of bodies in Pike River Mine
A woman whose husband was killed in the Pike River mine explosion hopes footage showing the remains of up to three men will bring them another step closer to justice.
Anna Osborne was among the… Audio
Pike River: Footage from inside mine cold comfort for familiies
Footage showing up to three bodies inside the Pike River mine is being described as cold comfort by some of the families.
Relatives of the 29 men have been waiting for more than a decade for such… Audio
Waihopai spy domes retiring
The spy domes in Waihopai are retiring after more than 30 years of service.
The radomes and dishes have become "virtually obsolete" thanks to new technology, according to GCSB Director-General Andrew… Audio
Covid-19: People 'clearly falling through the cracks' with home self-isolation - Little
Health Minister Andrew Little admits some people are slipping through the cracks, but says he hasn't had any indication public health officials are falling behind with cases isolating at home with… Audio
Covid-19: How will Whangārei's battered hospital cope?
Whangārei's dilapidated, decaying hospital is preparing for an influx of Covid-19 cases, and staff say it's only a matter of time before bed space runs out.
The Northland DHB has been trying to get… Audio
Health reforms: diagnosis and second opinions
Parliament is considering a major health reform. We outline the symptoms, diagnoses and the treatment plans proposed by the different parties. Audio
Covid-19: Health Minister assures health workers govt preparing for rise in hospitalisations
The Health Minister is assuring health workers the government is doing what it can to prepare for a rise in Covid-19 patients in hospitals.
An emergency nurse and NZ Nurses Organisation delegate in… Audio
Health Minister Andrew Little says vaccines will let us live with covid
The Government has laid out its plans for how the hospital system will cope with a growing number of Covid-19 cases.
The short answer is: the hospital system won't need to, because the vast majority… Audio
Covid-19: Surge nurses will be able to cover intensive care units - Andrew Little
The Health Minister, Andrew Little, says there's surge capacity to fill crucial nursing gaps on short notice if the delta outbreak escalates.
Specialists say nurses are already stretched and there is… Audio