Bill English
NZ First in day two of deliberations - political analysis
The New Zealand First board and MPs will resume their deliberations over whether to form a Government with Labour or National on Tuesday morning. Earlier, Labour leader Jacinda Ardern said it had been… Audio
Govt formation could take until end of week - English
Video - The National Party leader says there are still outstanding issues and further talks are needed before a government can be formed. Video, Audio
Bill English awaits Winston Peters' govt coalition choice
The New Zealand First board is meeting today to discuss who might form the next government. National could govern with New Zealand First alone, but Labour has to bring in both New Zealand First and… Audio
Winston Peters holds final day of coalition talks
It's crunch time for Winston Peters - as he pushes into the final day of talks over forming a new government. And he says today's talks will be the most substantive yet. The New Zealand First leader's… Audio
Vague adjectives flow as coalition talks continue
Serious, productive, meaningful: The adjectives flowed along with the biscuits today as Labour and National continued to try to woo New Zealand First into forming a government. Video, Audio
Coalition talks picking up pace
New Zealand First leader Winston Peters is to host up to four rounds of coalition talks today. Audio
Day three of coalition talks shrouded in secrecy
The pace of coalition talks appears to be picking up - with New Zealand First set to host potentially four separate meetings today. Today is the third day of official negotiations as National and… Audio
Coalition talks focus on foreign ownership
Political leaders are remaining quiet about the detail discussed in coalition talks, but Winston Peters says foreign ownership is playing a part in the negotiations. Video, Audio
Bill English discusses coalition negotiations
It's day two of coalition talks for a new government. If National achieves a coalition with NZ First, it will be the party's fourth consecutive term in government. National leader Bill English joins… Audio
Election 2017: Day two of NZ First coalition talks
Sunday's coalition talks were deemed 'constructive' by the man who will anoint the next Prime Minister, but Winston Peters was saying little more. The second round of discussions resume on Monday… Audio
Bill English says National still best placed to lead
The National Party leader Bill English spoke to reporters at Lake Hayes. Audio
Winston Peters kicks off coalition talks, but says 'we just can't win'
Winston Peters held his first post-election meetings with the leaders of National and Labour at Parliament today. He says he will make a decision on October 12. Video, Audio
Hello, is it me you're looking for?
New Zealand First's leader has spoken to his counterparts in the National and Labour parties.
Peters puts English on hold
New Zealand First is refusing to return National's calls offering preliminary coalition discussions prior to the special votes being counted. Audio
National leader Bill English on coalition prospects
The pressure is growing for National and the Green party to talk coalition. It's been just over a week since the general election, but the waiting game isn't over yet for the major parties. Neither… Audio
Party leaders picking on the media
When Winston Peters took centre stage this week, he also took a big swing at the media. Other party leaders also criticised the media coverage of the election, but some political players and the media… Video, Audio
VIDEO: National has no 'moral mandate' - Twyford
National's leader has over-reached and has no commanding moral mandate to form a government, Labour's campaign chair Phil Twyford says. Video, Audio
'Reasonable' to spend weeks on negotiations - English
National Party leader Bill English says it could take several weeks to work out a deal with NZ First that would allow him to form a government. Video, Audio
National to negotiate with 'maverick' Peters - English
The National Party Leader Bill English exorcised a few demons in the last month, battling his way back from second place in some opinion polls to see National win 46 percent of the vote on Saturday… Audio
Election 2017: Wait for a government begins
After six weeks of a turbulent election campaign, the waiting for a government now begins. Neither National or Labour is in a position to form a government without the support of New Zealand First… Audio