Chris Luxon
ACT party campaign launch overshadowed by protestors
The ACT Party's glitzy campaign launch was overshadowed by a moustachioed protestor who snuck into the event - incognito - at the weekend.
More than 500 people gathered in Auckland's Civic Theatre… Audio
Midweek Mediawatch: The return of the octopus
In this week's edition of Midweek Mediawatch, Hayden Donnell talks to Mark Leishman about National's attempt to weather a storm of journalistic scrutiny of its tax plan, Patrick Gower's unusual… Audio
National leader Christopher Luxon on attack ads
They've been crying foul over attack ads, but now the National Party are being accused of being hypocrites.
The Labour Party leader, Chris Hipkins, unveiled a long list of ads he and his MPs have… Audio
Political commentators Dale Husband & Tim Hurdle
Correspondents Dale Husband and Tim Hurdle join Kathryn to discuss Chris Hipkins ruling out any possibility of Labour working with New Zealand First and Winston Peters post-election - even as the… Audio
Midweek Mediawatch - polling death spiral & sandwich slump
In this week's edition of Midweek Mediawatch, Hayden Donnell talks to Mark Leishman about a dire poll for Labour raising the spectre of a media-driven death spiral; a reorganisation at NZME; a plea… Audio
Political commentators Morton and Hughes
Gareth and Brigitte join me to talk about Labour's big week of policy announcements - we'll break them down and look at how and when they'll be paid for. We'll look at the politics of paid parental… Audio
Midweek Mediawatch - climate, cellphones and how not to spell cat
In this week's edition of Midweek Mediawatch, Hayden Donnell talks to Mark Leishman about one news broadcast foregrounding climate while another hones in on cellphones and Chris Luxon misspelling… Audio
National Government would ban cellphones in schools
National says it will ban cellphones in all schools if it becomes the Government.
The UN report, Technology in Schools, released last month, found cellphones distract students and have a negative… Audio
Political road rage - budget holes and emissions omissions
The UN says we've reached "the era of global boiling". Given that, you'd think climate might have got more of a mention from the media as the National Party released its road-heavy $24 billion… Audio
Poll analysis unhitches itself from reality
Nothing much changed in a 1News Verian poll released on Monday. Some commentators treated the boring results as a blank canvas on which to express their creativity. Audio
Labour's tax announcement puts coalitions on shaky ground
The Prime Minister is being accused of both cynicism and arrogance over his decision not to introduce a wealth tax or capital gains tax as long as he is leader.
Labour's potential coalition partners… Audio
Christopher Luxon, the unknowable man
Political reporters often say people need to get to know National leader Christopher Luxon. But he's ubiquitous in the media and has been in the job 18 months. Is it possible he's unknowable? Or is it… Audio
Midweek Mediawatch - RNZ's Russiagate; 'rinky-dink' politics & forecast fatigue
In this week's Midweek Mediawatch, Hayden Donnell talks to Anna Thomas about RNZ's 'pro-Russia edits' saga now extending stories about other countries - and a newspaper's feature story that fell short… Audio
I oppose this awful [add details] plan
Budget day is all about the Minister of Finance’s big reveal. But spare a thought for other party leaders who must prepare speeches opposing something they haven't read yet. Audio
Luxon v Sepuloni exchanges follow repetitive rhythm
A rare series of square-offs between Opposition Leader Chris Luxon and Deputy Prime Minister Carmel Sepuloni in her capacity as Acting Prime Minister became repetitive. Audio
Nash says he'll stay on in Napier seat despite Ministerial sacking
Labour MP Stuart Nash has been sacked from all of his ministerial portfolios, over a quote "inexcusable" breach of Cabinet rules.
Nash was already on a 'final warning' before a Stuff report last… Audio
Chris Hipkins axes more government policies in reprioritisation
Less than two months into Chris Hipkins' time as Prime Minister and the Government's agenda is looking much slimmer.
Hipkins has axed - or amended - a swathe of programmes in his second policy purge… Audio
Political leaders converge on Rātana Pā
Chris Hipkins will be sworn in as Prime Minister this morning, formally completing the handover of power from Jacinda Ardern.
Ardern will head to Government House to officially tender her… Audio
National to 'crack down' on youth offending
Military academies and ankle bracelets on children as young as 10 are among the proposals National's touting today to crack down on serious young offenders.
It's pointing to the rise in ram raids… Audio
National, ACT struggle over co-governance
The battle lines have been drawn in an ideological struggle between National and the ACT Party, ahead of any potential coalition arrangements.
ACT wants to put the Treaty of Waitangi to a public and… Audio