Golriz Ghahraman
National wary but supportive of NZ troops withdrawal from Iraq
The National Party is on board with the government pulling New Zealand troops out of Iraq next year on the condition Australia and the United States also withdraw.
Up to 95 troops are currently… Audio
Golriz Ghahraman needs security escort
Greens MP Golriz Ghahraman has been allocated a security escort, because of increased threats the police have deemed serious. Audio
Ban on foreign donations to NZ political parties considered
Parliament's Justice Select Committee is expected to consider banning foreign donations to political parties. The SIS has warned the Justice Select Committee that other countries have wanted to make… Audio
Greens warn against new 'knee-jerk' spy powers
The Green Party is warning against any knee-jerk strengthening of surveillance laws in the wake of the Christchurch terror attack. National leader Simon Bridges has called on the government to give… Audio
Ghahraman urges MPs to stop fanning flames of hatred
The Green MP Golriz Ghahraman wants politicians to stop "fanning the flames" of intolerance. She says the country's leaders have a role to play in fighting the far-right ideology that has been evident… Audio
MP calls out colleagues for fanning flames of prejudice
Threats of rape, beheading and being shot at are are part of life for MPs who are female and brown. Now, Parliament is standing as one calling out the hatred out for what it is, with speeches… Audio
Greens argue for 4 percent party vote threshold
The Green Party wants to give prisoners the right to vote, change the 5 percent party vote threshhold to 4 percent and ban overseas donations to political parties. The recommendations are part of… Audio
Nauru ousting Doctors Without Borders 'unthinkable' - Ghahraman
The government of Nauru has ordered that Médecins Sans Frontières - or Doctors Without Borders - stop working in the country, effective immediately. The charity has been providing medical services to… Video, Audio
Greens criticise extenstion to Iraq deployment
The government's junior partner is attacking the decision to stay on in Iraq. The Green Party says the money would be better spent on humanitarian relief and the soldiers should be brought home now… Audio
Nauru refugee camp pulled down before Pacific Islands Forum
Mouldy tents which have housed refugees on Nauru for years are being hastily pulled down ahead of the Pacific Islands Forum next week. Refugee advocates say it's a cynical move intended to 'pretty up'… Audio
Australia's Labor joins calls for Nauru children to go to NZ
The NZ Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, is softening her language over whether she will meet with refugees on Nauru when she visits the island for the Pacific Islands Forum next month. Audio
China's aid dominance overstated - Lowy Institute report
It's been revealed China's aid dominance in the Pacific is overstated. The Australian think tank the Lowy Institute has crunched seven years of data covering 13,000 projects in 14 Pacific countries… Audio
New Zealand's aid commitment under scrutiny
New Zealand's international aid and development efforts came under scrutiny recently at a workshop in Wellington. Audio
Golriz Ghahraman questions NZDF planes' 'war-making capability'
The Green Party is questioning the need for weapons on the four maritime patrol aircraft the government has announced it will buy. Defence Minister Ron Mark confirmed on Monday the $2.3 billion… Audio
How do you ban a bomb?
New Zealand is making ready to sign up for a new international anti-nuclear weapons treaty. Actually, we've already signed it, but that means diddly-squat until Parliament signs off on that. So, do we… Audio
Migrants deported using immigration data modelling pilot
Immigration New Zealand says 'high priority' migrants have been deported as a result of a data modelling pilot, which some have labelled racist. As we reported yesterday, the pilot in use for the past… Audio
MP pushes for NZ to keep vocal on West Papua
Demonstrations have been held around the Pacific to mark the anniversary of West Papua's declaration of independence when the Morning Star flag was first raised. At a flag Morning Star raising… Audio
Golriz and the politics of perception
Analysis - The scrutiny faced by the Green Party's Golriz Ghahraman is another example of how in politics, perception is everything.
Green Party assess bios after Golriz Ghahraman's omission
New Greens MP Golriz Ghahraman has come under criticism for not including her work defending war criminals on her official MP bio. Video, Audio
Green Party reviews MPs' website bios
The biographies of Green Party MPs have been reviewed following scrutiny around Golriz Ghahraman's career.