Boys in court over crash that killed cows
Four teenagers are appearing in the Youth Court in Kaikohe today after a stolen car slammed into three cows on a country road.
Five teens arrested after Northland police pursuit
Police have arrested five boys after a stolen car crashed near Kaikohe, injuring three cows which had to be put down.
Officers at Kaikohe mob scene 'within 3 minutes'
Officers arrived at the site of a mob attack in the Northland town of Kaikohe within minutes of a 111 call, the Police Minister says.
Police Minister talks about Kaikohe crime spree
Deputy Prime Minister Paula Bennett says police are increasing their presence in Kaikohe. Audio
Kaikohe teens taken to police by mother
A Kaikohe mother has taken her two sons to the police to front up over their part in a weekend crime spree.
'When you're from Kaikohe people don't expect much'
The head girl of a Kaikohe college says a local approach is needed to tackle destructive youth behaviour in her home town.
Kaikohe being 'hung out to dry' by the cities
Mark Anderson of the Kaikohe Business Association says more police and more resources are needed for at-risk youth in Kaikohe. Audio
'What do we do with these youths?'
Police are defending their handling of a youth crime spree in Kaikohe at the weekend, but locals say serious changes are needed. Video
Northland police stations - are they 'ghost stations'?
There are 21 police stations in Northland, but NZ First leader Winson Peters says some are ghost stations, often unoccupied. Checkpoint called 11 stations to see if anyone would answer. Video, Audio
Northland police defend handling of youth crime spree
Kaikohe locals say they've had a gutsful of youth in the town after a gang of youngsters raided a liquor store and broke into the town's Mobil station at the weekend. Audio
Teens wreaking havoc in Kaikohe
Richard Aston of Big Buddy talks about the social issues leading to teens smashing shops and robbing liquor stores. Audio
Kaikohe's Lawless Kids
The town of Kaikohe is demanding answers after mobs of youngsters took liquor from a bottle store and vandalised a petrol station on Friday night. Audio
Winston Peters: Police are under resourced.
The MP for Northland and New Zealand First Leader Winston Peters says resources are needed to catch these people and do something about it. "The resources aren't there, the money isn't there and… Audio
More crime and chaos hits Northland leaving locals frustrated
Northlanders are fed up with the crime and chaos in the region and want an end to the violence, often allegedly caused by young teens. Audio
Mana-Maori deal is a vote to National, Labour's Kelvin Davis says
A deal between Mana and Maori parties means a vote for either party is a vote for National, Labour MP Kelvin Davis says. Audio
Urgent plea to send more police to Kaitaia
Extra police officers badly needed in the crime-hit town of Kaitaia have been sent to a nearby town instead, a local MP says. Audio
Art exhibition paves way for iwi festival
The largest exhibition of Ngapuhi artworks are on display in Kaikohe ahead of the tribe's annual festival. Audio
Surprise Xmas hampers for needy Northland families
Some families in the Far North town of Kaikohe are being given a Christmas hamper surprise. Audio
Clues found in Kaikohe fire case
Whoever started a fire that threatened homes near Kaikohe at the weekend had to be either very stupid or completely irresponsible, fire officers say.
Victim fights for life after violent assault
A 58-year-old Kaikohe man is in a critical condition in Auckland hospital after an assault that was videoed by family members.