Marshall Islands
US nuclear testing legacy lingers in the Marshall Islands
During the 1940s and 50s the US detonated 67 nuclear bombs on, in and above the Marshall Islands as part of its Cold War nuclear testing programme. The Marshall Islands are two chains of 29 coral… Audio, Gallery
Cocaine prosecutions multiply in Marshall Islands
The latest drug charges in the Marshall Islands are spotlighting the country's cocaine problem, and authorities have two theories about how the narcotic comes to be washed up on their shores.
Marshalls working to get early Covid-19 vaccine access
At least two Covid-19 vaccines are expected to go into circulation shortly and the Marshall Islands is lining up to obtain an early batch, possibly as soon as January.
Fiji group arrives to festive Majuro airport welcome
The international airport in the Marshall Islands took on a festive air on Friday as a special charter flight arrived bringing several dozen workers and their families.
Fiji flight bringing ‘essential’ workers to Marshall Islands
The first group of workers to arrive in the Marshall Islands since the border was closed in March due to the Covid-19 pandemic are scheduled to arrive today on a chartered Fiji Airways flight.
New PNA head keen on Majuro move
The new head of the Parties to the Nauru Agreement is to relocate to the Marshall Islands as part of her role. Audio
Christchurch to Majuro for new PNA head
Christchurch based Dr Sangaalofa Clark is readying to move to Majuro in the Marshall Islands to head up the Parties to the Nauru Agreement. . Audio
Marshall Islands repatriation group has three Covid cases
The last two repatriation groups arriving in the Marshall Islands from the US have three had individuals who tested positive after arrival.
Tuna transshipment in Marshall Islands picks up, but still low
Tuna transshipment activity in the Marshall Islands has picked up, but remains low compared to previous years, as the coronavirus pandemic continues to impact the industry.
Marshall Islands free of Covid again
The Marshall Islands is reverting this week to Covid-free status following the medical declaration the US Army worker who tested positive two weeks ago is no longer contagious.
Pacific countries team up for high quality education
Six Pacific island countries have joined the United Nations Global Partnership for Education following the endorsement of their own plans for education.
ADB aids Marshalls water supply, sanitation on Ebeye
The Asian Development Bank has approved a $US3 million dollars grant to improve access to safe water and sanitation in Ebeye.
Covid at Kwajalein Army base sparks worry, protocol changes
A repatriation flight to the Marshall Islands went ahead despite community calls to keep the borders closed following the two confirmed cases of Covid-19 in quarantine.
First Covid-19 cases in quarantine at US Army base in Marshall Islands
The first positive cases of Covid-19 were confirmed among two US Army workers who arrived on the missile testing range in the Marshall Islands.
US deportations likely up in FY2020
2020 could be a record year for Marshallese deportations from the United States with at least 33 Marshallese in detention awaiting the opening of borders for deportation.
Covid-free Marshalls keen to talk recovery amid pandemic
The Marshall Islands says it's ready to work with Covid-19 free countries in the Pacific to create economic opportunities amid the pandemic.
Marshall Islands condemns Chinese coercion in the Pacific
The continued bullying and intimidation tactics by China must stop, says a senior Marshall Islands official. Audio
Marshall Is slams Chinese 'bullies' at Taiwan event in Fiji
The Marshall Islands has condemned what it calls the ongoing "bullying and intimidating" tactics by China in the Pacific region. Audio
Marshall Islands considering repatriating first group from USA
The first group of Marshall Islanders from a location with widespread Covid-19 could be repatriated later this month.
Tuna tagging 'even more important' during Covid-19 pandemic
The tagging of over 6,000 tuna in the central Pacific over the recent weeks is being hailed for the data it will provide to ensure accurate assessments of stocks.