How under-served learners are a $11b loss for New Zealand
Yesterday Nine to Noon looked at a new report into the declining rates of literacy and numeracy in the country and what could be done to fix it. This morning Lynn focuses on the $11b missing from the… Audio
Is home isolation stemming Covid spread? : Pasifika concerns
As Omicron infections escalate, so is concern from Pasifika outreach organisations about whether Government and public health initiatives endorsing home isolation, and community care are going to keep… Audio
Mental wellbeing in Aotearoa: a new snapshot
A new report-card into the wellbeing of New Zealanders finds a concerningly large minority of people and communities with persistently poor wellbeing. The report by the Mental Health and Wellbeing… Audio
Episode 5: It's All About Perspective
While gender is finally no longer seen as a binary choice in western societies, Pacific cultures have understood this for hundreds of years. Joe finds out what it means to be takatÄpui and fakafifine.
…Pasifika sports stars join the push for Covid vaccinations
Stay in the game! Get your Shot!" That's the message Pasifika sports stars took to the launch of a vaccination event in Auckland today.
Several high profile current and former sports people are… Audio
New multimedia segment for Pasifika on mental health
A new mental health segment led by Pacific organisations has launched online and on air this week to address mental health concerns in the Pasifika community.
Pasfika Covid-19 vaccination statistics tracking well
Covid-19 vaccinations for Young Pasifika living in New Zealand tracking well. Audio
New mental health segment for Pasifika launching on 531pi
A new mental health segment led by Pacific organisations in New Zealand is being launched online and on air this week to address mental health concerns in the Pasifika community. Audio
Pasifika mass vaccination events rolled out across Aotearoa
Mass vaccination events held by Pasifika communities well received across Aotearoa. Audio
Free NCEA tutoring programme growing
The University of Canterbury's outreach programme UCMeXL aims to help Pacific students achieve higher results in all NCEA levels. It's been going for 10 years and Riki Welsh from the University's… Audio
MPs on the Dawn Raids
This week Parliament held a special debate to give MPs a chance to talk about the official apology for the Dawn Raids of the 1970s. The House has some moments from that debate. Audio
Pacific children in NZ worst for dental health
Pasifika children are nearly twice as likely to have tooth decay at age five and are most likely to be hospitalised for dental issues.
Plunket - failing Māori and Pasifika whānau
Plunket has admitted it's failing Māori and Pasifika families, which make up over half its clientele. This concession comes in the wake of Associate Health Minister Ayesha Verrall's recognition this… Audio
Community providers struggle to address Pasifika housing crisis
Pasifika housing crisis highlighted by Kainga Ora placing large family with poor housing situation in the "too hard" basket. Audio
Dr Fran Priddy: New Zealand’s unique study on the Pfizer vaccine
New Zealand’s ‘COVID-naive’ population will offer unique data to global research as part of a new clinical study looking at how our bodies respond to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. Audio
Polynesian Panthers mark 50 years of activism
This week marks 50 years since six Pacific Islanders grouped together in central Auckland to form the Polynesian Panther Party.
Pasifika, Māori women taking up tools to join trades industry
The trades industry is getting a shake up thanks to a new project working to get more Pasifika and Māori women to pick up the tools.
Last year just one in 40 new trades apprentices were women, now… Video, Audio
Why an apology is needed over the 70's Dawn Raids
The Dawn Raids of the 1970s carry a shameful legacy to this day - and those who haven't forgotten, want an apology. Audio
A serious shortage of Māori and Pasifika midwives
A Māori midwife says National midwifery services have been falling short of meeting the needs of Māori and Pasifika women whose pregnancies are overepresented in still birth and neonatal death. The… Audio
Covid-19 vaccine rollout is announced for all New Zealanders
Two million New Zealanders will be able to get their first Covid-19 vaccination in the next three to four months under the government's roll out plan announced this afternoon. New Zealanders older… Audio