Pike River
Solid Energy chair says he'll resign if forced to enter mine
The bosses of Solid Energy have told a select committee hearing into the Pike River mine disaster that allegations of a cover up are "insulting". Video, Audio
Court of Appeal dismisses Pike families' legal bid
The Court of Appeal has dismissed a bid by two Pike River families to challenge the decision that let the mine's chief executive escape prosecution.
Solid energy chair would resign if Pike River re-entered
The chair of Solid Energy has said he would resign if the company was forced to re-enter an unsafe Pike River mine.
Pike River families meet with PM
The Pike River families have just finished a much awaited meeting with the Prime Minister Bill English. Audio
The government is meeting again on Pike River re-entry
Pike River mine victims' families are meeting with the Prime Minister over re-entry into the mine. Audio
Pike River families to meet PM
Some of the Pike River families meet the Prime Minister today, asking for his support for a re-entry of the mine. Kathryn Ryan talks with Rebecca Macfie, senior writer for the Listener and author of… Audio
Solid Energy granted four month extension to seal Pike River Mine
Solid Energy has been granted another four months to seal the Pike River mine. The miners' families say the extension shows their ongoing protest is having an effect. Video, Audio
Quarry supervisors failing industry exam
More than half of quarry managers sitting a crucial exam are failing, and have missed a deadline to prove they are fit to run a quarry safely.
Govt: Labour's Pike River plan 'hypocritical'
Taking away Solid Energy's liability for any harm caused trying to re-enter the Pike River Mine would be hypocritical and unsafe, the government says.
Labour would remove liability for Pike River re-entry
Labour leader Andrew Little is proposing removing liability from Solid Energy to enable an attempt to recover the Pike River Mine victims' bodies.
Labour leader to speak to Pike protesters
Some of the families of the 29 men who died in 2010 are picketing near the mine's entrance.
Pike River families say support growing
The Pike River families protesting against the sealing of the mine say their protest is gaining momentum and political support.
Peters meets with Pike River families
New Zealand First leader Winston Peters has repeated his pledge to Pike River families that he will not go into coalition with any party that does not allow re-entry to the mine.
Pike families say they won't back down
Protestors vow to take whatever legal means they can to stop the Pike River Mine being permanently sealed. Audio
Peters: I want to be first to re-enter Pike River
As protests continue against the decision to seal Pike River mine, New Zealand First leader Winston Peters is accusing authorities of a conspiracy to cover up what really happened. Audio
Mining expert explains his plan to safely re-enter Pike River
A British mining expert has penned a new plan to safely enter the drift of the Pike River mine. Bob Stevenson tells Checkpoint why he believes re-entry is possible. Audio
Winston Peters volunteers to enter Pike River mine himself
New Zealand First leader and former miner Winston Peters has offered to enter the Pike River mine himself, during a speech to victims' families outside parliament. Video, Audio
Winston Peters says he'll go into Pike River mine himself
Winston Peters has told the families of the Pike River Mine victims he's prepared to go into the mine himself. Audio
Pike River Mine Re-entry Plan
Pike River families have just announced a new mine re-entry plan at Parliament, in an attempt to convince the Government it is safe to retrieve the bodies in the mine. It comes after families set up a… Audio
Protestors gather again at the access road to Pike River
Pike River families have been gifted legal control over the mine's access road as they protest Solid Energy's plan to seal up the mine's entrance. Audio