Midweek Mediawatch - RNZ's Russiagate; 'rinky-dink' politics & forecast fatigue
In this week's Midweek Mediawatch, Hayden Donnell talks to Anna Thomas about RNZ's 'pro-Russia edits' saga now extending stories about other countries - and a newspaper's feature story that fell short… Audio
Behind the story: Mr Lyttle Meets Mr Big
When all other avenues have failed, Mr Big stings can help the police ensnare their suspect - but can their use be justified? Audio
Preparing for the big quake on the Alpine Fault
New research on the South Island's Alpine Fault is helping communities prepare for the next big quake. Audio
First, a smoke-free generation – next, a vape-free one?
New Zealand's a world-leader with its smokefree laws, but can it do the same when it comes to vaping? Audio
RNZ investigating Kremlin-friendly story edits
RNZ is investigating how online stories about the war in Ukraine, supplied by an international news agency, were edited to align with the Russian view of events. A staff member has been stood down… Audio
Men without a safe place to call home
How do some of society's most vulnerable people – men in particular – fall into insecure housing? Audio
The university funding shortfall with no easy fix
Universities across the country are facing funding shortfalls. But philanthropy is unlikely to help them make up the difference. Audio
Counting the benefits of big events
The country's been promised big economic benefits from co-hosting the FIFA Women's World Cup. But do the figures stack up? Audio
'They get sold a dream': When big returns don't eventuate
Suspected investment scams are on the rise and authorities are worried some of our most vulnerable communities are falling victim to them. Audio
Mānuka: The buzz that a word makes
The Australians have beaten us again - this time, in the long-running fight over mānuka honey. Audio
Loafers Lodge and the lessons for higher density housing
In the push to get more people living in higher density housing, have our fire and building regulations been left behind? Audio
Is it inflation, or are businesses just greedy?
Greedflation: It's the latest buzzword in economics – is it behind soaring company profits? Audio
Preparing for the winter illness wave
Winter illness season is upon us. Can the health system cope with the inevitable increase in demand that comes with it? Audio
The India dilemma
A relationship with India is one that requires a great deal of homework and hard work - something New Zealand has shied away from. Audio
The stand-off between a philanthropist and Victoria University
A dispute over how a $10 million research grant gets used has exposed the tension between academic freedom and university funding. Audio
A different way of learning
It's dubbed the school with no rules. Hobsonville Point Secondary School does things differently - and it's proving to be a success. Audio
Abbey Caves and NZ's tragic outdoor education history
The death of a student at Abbey Caves has brought back memories of another outdoor education tragedy - the Mangatepopo canyoning disaster. Audio
How KiwiRail got off track
Commuter chaos in the capital, trains grinding to a halt in Auckland - what's going on at KiwiRail? Audio
The mahi bringing birdsong back to Aotea's forests
It's no easy task trying to rid Aotea Great Barrier Island of feral cats, rats and other pests. Audio
Banding together to protect Aotea's precious seabirds
The Detail heads to Aotea Great Barrier Island to meet up with conservationists working to protect one of the island's precious seabirds - the tākoketai. Audio