Govt won’t investigate Lumsden’s maternity downgrade
Supporters of the Lumsden maternity centre are vowing not to give up their fight to restore full birthing services to the Southland town. That's despite the Health Select Committee voting today not to… Audio
Lumsden Maternity decision inquiry bid fails at select committee
The Health Select Committee has voted against a motion to investigate the decision to downgrade the Lumsden Maternity Centre.
Snow in the South: Curse for motorists, blessing for skifields
Snow has started falling across Central Otago as an icy blast moves up the country.
Spate of burglaries and thefts from vehicles in Invercargill
Police in Invercargill are warning people after a spate of burglaries and thefts from vehicles.
Crash blocks SH96 at Springhills, Southland
A person is in a critical condition after a rubbish truck rolled on State Highway 96 in Southland this morning, blocking the road.
Campaign launched to highlight issues around winter cropping
Bad winter cropping practices can leave animals unable to move or sleep freely, and can cause significant damage to the environment, groups say. Video
Bowel cancer delays: Report finds 'inter-service warfare'
Bowel cancer patients in Southland have suffered unacceptable waits of months - and even years in some cases - to get diagnosed because of major failures at the DHB.
90 people hand over guns at Otago buyback event
Almost 100 people have handed in firearms at the first buyback in the southern district, where 10 percent of the population are firearms owners. Audio
Invercargill Airport to get $500k for upgrade from regional fund
The Provincial Growth Fund investment will go towards upgrading Invercargill Airport's cargo and terminal facilities to cope with a new direct service to Auckland.
Talk the Walk - The Hump Ridge Track
The Hump Ridge Track in Southland will soon become New Zealand's newest Great Walk, as conservation minister Eugenie Sage announced this morning. Audio
Additional on-call midwife for Lumsden
An additional short-term on-call midwife will be hired to cover births in Lumsden, following a meeting aimed at quelling the war of words over maternity services in Northern Southland.
Fish factory workers made redundant as Sanford downsizes in Bluff
Sanford has made 17 workers redundant at its Bluff fish processing factory as it confirms its downsizing in the town.
Two charged over aggravated burglary in Otago
Two people have been charged in relation to an aggravated burglary in Otago.
Up to 30 jobs may go at Sanford's Bluff fish-processing plant
Workers at one of Bluff's biggest employers have been blindsided by the news almost half of their jobs may be lost - which means they could be out of a job or have to relocate 400km north to keep… Audio
Cancer care battle: 'The lack of prevention in NZ is not good enough'
A Southland father with terminal bowel cancer hopes to trigger a citizens-initiated referendum to reform cancer care in New Zealand.
Lake search to continue weeks after body washed up
Police will continue searching Lake Hauroko in Southland after two people on a boat went missing last month, and a body washed up a day later.
Lumsden maternity centre downgrade 'a Treaty of Waitangi breach'
The Southern District Health Board has been accused of breaching the Treaty of Waitangi by downgrading the Lumsden Maternity Centre without consultation.
Proud to be a dairy farmer
Invercargill contract milker Tangaroa Walker is looking at drying off his herd of 500 cows after a great season. He says milk production is up 15 percent on last year and grass and winter crops are… Video, Audio
Southland maternity like 'Russian roulette', midwife says
Supplies mishaps are plaguing the Lumsden and Te Anau maternity hubs that were meant to be up and running seven weeks ago, adding to concerns over giving birth in the region.
More concerns raised about maternity care in Southland
Maternal hubs in Lumsden and Te Anau were meant to be up and running seven weeks ago after the birthing unit in Lumsden was downgraded, but locals say that's far from reality. Audio