Treaty Of Waitangi
City's Waitangi Day honour: 'It has huge significance in terms of our identity'
Queenstown will today host Ngāi Tahu Treaty of Waitangi commemorations for the first time.
Little confident in proposed Ngāpuhi Treaty settlement model
The Treaty Negotiations Minister is confident in a new model to move the Ngāpuhi Treaty settlement forward, despite at least eight hapū rejecting it.
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei allowed to take claim to High Court
The Supreme Court has approved an appeal by an Auckland iwi to stake their interest and rights within Auckland central.
Iwi Chairs Forum questions Crown about lack of progress
The Iwi Chairs Forum has taken a veiled swipe at the Crown over what it describes as a continued lack of progress on implementing Maori water rights and interests. Audio
Settlement signed despite protest
Cries of "traitor" rang out as angry scenes erupted outside Parliament before a controversial treaty settlement was signed today. Video, Audio
Critic rounds on university's iwi consultation policy
An Otago University policy which requires scholars to consult local iwi Ngai Tahu before undertaking research has been slammed as outrageous by a prominent biologist. Scientist Bob Brockie wrote in a… Audio
Ngāti Rangi to sign treaty settlement deed
The iwi which stretches from the southern slopes of Mt Ruapehu to Waiouru, Ohakune and Taihape, will receive $17 million in compensation. Te Manu Korihi reporter John Boynton reports. Audio
'Northern tribes will have much to say'
Opinion - News that Jacinda Ardern is to speak at Waitangi inspires mixed emotions, writes Ella Henry.
Govt kept mum on settlement announcement due to Xmas
The government delayed its announcement of a big payment to two iwi because it did not want to be accused of burying it before Christmas, Treaty Negotiations Minister Andrew Little says. Audio
Govt pays extra $370m in treaty settlements
The government has paid an additional $370 million in Treaty of Waitangi settlements to Tainui and Ngāi Tahu.
Optimism grows over Ngāpuhi Treaty settlement
Ngāpuhi hapū say the latest meetings with Treaty Negotiations Minster Andrew Little have marked a watershed in the iwi's stalled Treaty settlement.
Ngāi Tahu success a lesson for iwi
Analysis - As Treaty claims continue, it's important to reflect on the successful landmark settlements of the past.
Ngāpuhi stand-off: Little changes could yield big results
Analysis - In his approach to the country's largest and poorest iwi, Ngāpuhi, Treaty Negotiations Minister Andrew Little is showing a different style from his predecessor, writes Mihingarangi Forbes.
Sally Burton's rendition of the notorious Wairau Incident
In 1843 - just three years after the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi - 26 people died in The Wairau Incident near Nelson. It was first major confrontation between Maori and Pakeha settlers following… Audio
Final Waitangi Tribunal hearings for Northland claim underway
The claim by Te Paparahi O Te Raki cover a range of issues from tino rangatiratanga, to te reo Maori, to socio-economic issues. Audio
Iwi warn National to back off farm sale plan
Iwi are warning the National Party to back off its election promise made yesterday to sell state-owned farms to young farmers. Audio
NZ First leader dismisses Waitangi Tribunal pledge
An NZ First candidate who said the party would "scrap the Waitangi Tribunal" wasn't representing party policy, Winston Peters says.
Māori Party keen but wary of working with Labour - Marama Fox
Māori Party co-leader, Marama Fox, says Helen Clark never made an apology for the Foreshore and Seabed Act, and Labour is showing a similar argument in it's discussion of water rights. She says the… Audio
Ngāti Maniapoto signs agreement with Crown on Treaty claim
Ngāti Maniapoto has signed an Agreement in Principle with the Crown to settle its Treaty Claim. Māori issues correspondent Mihingarangi Forbes says it's a reasonably large claim and will have an… Audio
Court bid to stop Ngāti Tūwharetoa treaty deal
A hapū trust is heading to court to try and stop the iwi's deal, saying it wants a land block returned to it.