Us Election 2020
US Election 2020 - US political scientist Dan Zirker on results
Dan Zirker is a US political scientist from the University of Waikato. He's got a PhD in political science from the University of Alberta, and taught at universities in Minnesota, Idaho and Montana… Video, Audio
US Election 2020 - latest from Biden's home state Delaware
Let's cross now to Nick Harper who's our reporter on the ground in Wilmington, Delware - where Joe Biden is based tonight. Video, Audio
US Election 2020 - how does the electoral college work?
The key figure to remember this evening is 270 - that's the number of electoral votes Donald Trump and Joe Biden need to reach to win the presidency. But what exactly does that mean - and how does the… Video, Audio
US Election 2002 - results so far
While the result in Wisconsin is a little way off yet, a few results have been trickling in. RNZ Worldwatch reporter Max Towle is here to bring us up to speed with where things are at. Video, Audio
US Election 2020 - the latest from Wisconsin
Wisconsin is one of the key swing states of the US election. Trump won the midwestern state by less than 1 percent in 2016, but his slim margin there is unlikely to hold. Lisa Owen crosses to our… Video, Audio
US Election 2020 - RNZ Checkpoint special
Over the last few weeks Americans have been heading to the polls in what is being billed as the most significant presidential race of a lifetime. Their choices - to give Republican Donald Trump a… Video, Audio
An election like no other
Our election may be over but all eyes now turn to the US - who will prevail? Audio
Final US presidential debate in 3 minutes
Donald Trump and Joe Biden went head to head in the third presidential debate in Nashville in a final bid to win over undecided voters. And while it was a much more civilised and restrained debate… Video, Audio
Trump v Biden - final US presidential debate - analysis
CNN's Nadia Romero has been at the debate in Nashville Teennessee. She thinks the mute button made this an entirely different affair. Audio
Final US presidential debate slightly more muted
It was a slightly muted final Presidential debate - in more ways than one. President Trump and former Veep Joe Biden faced off for one last time before election day. The first debate that was… Video, Audio