Kai and camaraderie: behind the scenes at The Golden Shears
Paua fritters, whitebait, crayfish and venison are on the menu for shearers and supporters at the three-day Golden Shears championship in Masterton. Southland shearing ace Nathan Stratford isn't too… Audio
Derailed locomotive removed by crane
The locomotive that derailed in Masterton yesterday has been removed by crane.
Relief as heritage town centre opens after six-year fight
Hundreds have turned out for the opening of a community centre in Martinborough today that has bought together the whakapapa and the heritage of the small Wairarapa town. Audio
'We shouldn't be in the shadows'
Members of a kapa haka group in the Wairarapa have been rehearsing for one of the most important performances of their lives. Audio
Wairarapa train service gets $96m boost
The line from one side of the Remutaka Range to Wellington will receive $96 million after being plagued with problems, such as slow trips and long delays. Video, Audio
Wairarapa primary school has been lockdown
A Wairarapa primary school has been lockdown this afternoon after a plane nearby dropped an unknown substance, causing multiple children to feel ill. Audio
Unfortunate dip: Campervan lands in lake
A waka ama was used to help a family of Australian tourists who were in a half-submerged campervan out of Masterton's Henley Lake.
21 safety assessments by Oranga Tamariki Wairarapa late
Social workers at Oranga Tamariki in Wairarapa failed to provide 21 safety assessments on children on time last year, new figures show.
2018 Waitangi Rua Rautau Lecture by Dr Kim Workman
Dr Kim Workman explores the historical background to why Maori imprisonment rates are high and still rising, and considers what the alternatives to our current approaches are. Audio
Govt to announce mental health inquiry
The details of an inquiry into mental health services will be announced by the Government today. It's one of the promises Labour made in last year's election campaign - and something it pledged to do… Audio
Labour Party caucus at retreat in southern Wairarapa
The retreat is a chance for Labour to discuss its own objectives, before taking them back to the melting pot of the Labour, New Zealand First, Green Party coalition Government. Video, Audio
Searchers looking for missing diver find body
Searchers looking for a diver who went missing in Wairarapa on Sunday have found a body.
Man stable after stingray strike in Wairarapa
A stingray strike at a Wairarapa beach has put a diver in hospital with a leg wound.
Diver missing off Wairarapa coast
A diver who went missing off the Wairarapa coast, north of Wellington, has still not been found.
Wairarapa says no to council amalgamation
A proposed amalgamation of the three district councils in Wairarapa has been rejected by residents.
'Sad and tired' Wairarapa marae to get makeover
The rural marae in the Wairarapa will soon be revitalised as a new social housing development nears completion, a project manager says.
MPI hopeful pea weevil eradicated in Wairarapa
The Ministry for Primary Industries is confident that no pea weevils will be found in the Wairarapa this season and is hopeful that the pest has been eradicated.
Mad about sheep
Dayanne Almeida is a self-confessed sheep nutter. She was determined to move to New Zealand from Brazil to work in the sheep industry and now spreads the world about sheep farming on her "Sheep… Audio
Masterton the Beautiful - Wairarapa town makes final in city awards
The Wairarapa town of Masterton has reached the finals of the Keep New Zealand Beautiful most beautiful city awards - much to the surprise of some locals. Video, Audio
Social workers urgently called to Wairarapa
Child Youth and Family in Masterton has called in extra social workers after weeks of complaints that a backlog of cases is putting families in danger.