Protesters refuse to leave Parliament’s grounds, 120 arrested
Police have arrested 120 protesters on the grounds of Parliament during the third day of anti-mandate demonstrations.
A massive deployment of officers is slowly and methodically picking out… Video, Audio
Wellington businesses keen to see protestors gone
Wellington Chamber of Commerce CEO Simon Arcus has told Checkpoint he'd like to see the protests finished "as soon as possible, but making sure that's done in a way that there's not harm to… Video, Audio
Three arrested at Parliament anti-mandate protest
More than 100 police have been holding protestors at bay outside parliament on the second day of a rally against vaccination mandates.
Three people have been arrested. The protestors have set up a… Video, Audio
Tensions rise at Parliament protest
Tensions were rising at Parliament as anti-covid mandate protestors faced off against dozens of police officers.
Metal barriers were been put up on the forecourt.
Hundreds of protesters arrived in… Audio
Loud Destiny Church protests irritate Christchurch residents
Protests and religious gatherings in a central Christchurch park by Brian Tamaki's Destiny Church and the Freedom and Rights Coalition, have left residents fed-up with the noise, and forced ratepayers… Audio
Climate change's year of more talking, not so much doing
It's been a year of developments in Climate Change discussions - but not a year of progress. Audio
Angry farmers continue to protest over 'unworkable' regulations
Angry farmers took to the streets on Sunday in their utes and tractors, blocking traffic to protest regulations they say are unworkable.
In Auckland, some vehicles displayed New Zealand flags and… Audio
Groundswell claims "Mother of all protests" makes a statement
Farmers and their townie mates are determined to keep pressuring the Government to back off what they see as unnecessary expensive change.
Driving tractors and utes, they clogged streets in all of… Audio
The gruesome picture of a chicken meat farm
Breeding fast-growing chickens for meat means top-heavy birds stumbling around in giant sheds. But New Zealand doesn't have an option to grow them slowly. Audio
Shelly Bay occupiers defy eviction notices
In Wellington's Shelly Bay police have been speaking to a small group of protesters who've been served with eviction notices.
The City Council last night said there were unsafe levels of asbestos… Audio
Global human rights campaigner and Chinese political activist Ai Weiwei
Ai Weiwei has been described as the most important artist working today, and an `unsilenceable voice of freedom'. His sculptures and installations have been viewed by millions around the world. His… Audio
Mandate protest: a photo essay
The House was at the vaccine mandate protest this week. Here are some photos from an unusually eclectic event.
Week in Politics: Will 1 December be Auckland's 'Freedom Day'?
Week in Politics: The PM all but promises Auckland its freedom and the date is likely to be 1 December, thousands of people march against vaccinations, mandates and other grievances, but no one…
COP26: Indigenous voices in the spotlight
Māori voices are being heard loud and clear by the top brass at the UN's COP26 Summit in Glasgow.
Kiwi climate activists are working with other indigenous delegates to advocate for millions of… Audio
Long-awaited ministry for the disabled has a massive task
The invisible section of New Zealand society - disabled people - are finally getting their own ministry. It will have a massive task ahead of it. Audio
COP26: Climate activist on NZ pledge
Ahead of the COP26 extravaganza, New Zealand is pledging to halve net greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.
The announcement is being hailed in some quarters as a dramatic gesture, but perhaps also a… Audio
Ethical fashion and what that name-and-shame survey doesn't tell you
Tearfund's annual name-and-shame of unethical fashion chains leaves out some important factors - such as clothing manufactured in New Zealand. Audio
The man snatching Africa's 'stolen' treasures from the museums of Europe
A Congolese activist is on trial for having stolen works at museums in protest against the monopolisation of African cultural property by Western countries.
When eco-products are more marketing than truth
Companies are increasingly claiming to be 'eco' - their products are good for the planet - but how true are these environmental claims? And how much is just greenwashing? Audio
Watching to make sure NZ media is free to report
Journalists in New Zealand don't tend to get shot or jailed for doing their jobs - but they do face some impediments in collecting information. That's when the Media Freedom Committee is watching. Audio