WANTED - the Red Vented Bulbul
A one-thousand dollar reward is being offered for the Red Vented Bulbul. An unwanted pest, the bird may have taken up residence in the Bay of Plenty. Audio
Bill Bailey: An Englishman abroad
Kim Hill talks to British comedian and musician Bill Bailey, whose new show, Larks in Transit, is a compendium of tales from his twenty years as a travelling entertainer. He is visiting New Zealand… Audio
Avoiding mid-air collisions: the Budgie Paradox
Professor Mandyam (Srini) Srinivasan from the University of Queensland has recruited a high-flying team of 10 budgies and is flying them down tunnels to try to make them bump into each other. He's… Audio
Kākāpō - what genes can tell us
A new genetic study shows that a once abundant kākāpō population declined in numbers and genetic diversity soon after stoats were introduced in the late 1800s. Audio
Cats 'contributing to a sixth mass extinction'
A new book has labelled cats as unrelenting killers and an invasive species that is contributing to a sixth mass extinction that could affect the whole planet. Audio
Jamie Steer: introduced species
Kim Hill talks to Dr Jamie Steer, whose research explores the understanding of introduced species in New Zealand in the context of biodiversity management, arguing for a more reconciliatory approach… Audio
Dianne Brunton: bird songs and dialects
Kim Hill talks to Professor Dianne Brunton, who founded the Ecology and Conservation Group at the Albany campus of Massey University, and currently heads the Institute of Natural and Mathematical… Audio
Community conservation on the Kapiti Coast
Residents on the Kapiti coast north of Wellington are working together to improve biodiversity and create thriving ecosystems in their local neighbourhoods. Audio, Gallery
A conservation summit on Predator Free NZ 2050
Three leading eradication experts talk about Predator Free New Zealand 2050, including the social aspects of engaging communities and the need to develop new tools to better control rats, stoats and… Audio
The garden bird survey turns 10
More than a million birds have been counted in the last nine years of the garden bird survey, and sparrows and silvereyes consistently top the rankings. Audio
Birds: Kōkako
On the hunt for the endangered North Island kokako on Kapiti Island with bird man Hugh Roberston. Audio
Smart kaka - can you teach old parrots new tricks?
The kaka, or forest parrot, has had its IQ tested for the first time - and in some experiments young naive birds were better problem solvers than older birds that were stuck in their ways. Video, Audio
Birds, feather colour – and sex
Why are some male birds brighter and showier than females of the same species, and sometimes both are bright? Sexual selection, size and living in the tropics are all part of the answer. Audio
Goodie goodie - bird watching with Bill Oddie
Use your ears and spend time on your own just listening and observing birds - good advice from one of the world's best known bird-watchers and ex-Goodie, Bill Oddie. Audio
Dunedin's royal albatrosses and #royalcam
There are 26 chicks in the royal albatross colony at Dunedin's Taiaroa Head this year - and the #royalcam chick is very much in the public spotlight. Video, Audio
Critter of the Week - Nicola Toki
This week's critically endangered but unfortunately uncharismatic creature is the Shore Plover. It is one of the rarest shorebirds in the world. DOC's endangered species ambassador Nicola Toki… Audio
Yellow-eyed penguin numbers hit new low
Yellow-eyed penguins have hit their lowest numbers on mainland New Zealand since the early 1990s, and it's the result of a number of issues in the marine environment Audio
Dunnocks - and what bird sperm can tell us
Bird sperm from native species such as robins, as well as introduced dunnocks from Dunedin, may shed light on problems with male fertility and infertile eggs. Video, Audio, Gallery
Birds: Long-tailed cuckoo
We head to Kapiti Island with Hugh Robertson on the trail of the long-tailed cuckoo. Audio
Restoring nature at Nelson's Brook Waimarama Sanctuary
A 14.5 kilometre-long pest proof fence will soon be keeping nature safe from invasive animals, in a nearly 700-hectare forest sanctuary on the outskirts of Nelson Audio, Gallery