Budget 2019
National Party leader and Finance Minister in standoff over Budget 'leak'
Simon Bridges is accusing Grant Robertson of falsely smearing his party over the leaking of Budget information that Treasury has now referred to the police.
National Party 'Budget leak': Treasury 'deliberately hacked'
Treasury has evidence it has been deliberately hacked and has referred the matter to police following the National Party's leaking of Budget information today, it says.
Nights Economics
Just in time for a pre-budget yarn, Brian Easton joins us in the studio to look at what a 'wellness' budget might look like. Audio
Money for 30 months a year
In Budget week it seems suddenly everything’s about the money. That’s not true. Parliament’s focus on the money never seems to stop. Audio
Money for 30 months a year
In Budget week it seems suddenly everything’s about the money. That’s not true. Parliament’s focus on the money never seems to stop.
AudioEducators hope for Budget boost: 'There has never been enough money'
The government is going into this week's Budget under massive pressure to boost its $16-billion-a-year spend on education and student allowances.
How this year's budget is different
The world's first 'Wellbeing Budget' will be unveiled on Thursday - what is different about it, and how did it change the ways ministers pitched for money? Audio
How this year's budget is different
The world's first 'Wellbeing Budget' will be unveiled on Thursday - what is different about it, and how did it change the ways ministers pitched for money?
AudioMums on the breadline hold hopes for Wellbeing Budget
Mothers hope this week's budget will have funding to help parents get better qualifications.
Experts urge businesses to prioritise employees' wellbeing
Analysis - Mental health is a growing and costly problem in New Zealand, but it is gaining recognition. As the government prepares to reveal its 'Wellbeing Budget', businesses are making their own… Video
Public transport move for low-income groups welcomed but 'not enough'
The Child Poverty Action Group is pleased the government intends to lower public transport costs for low-income households, but says the announcement does not go far enough.
New service to help young people transition from state care to adulthood
Children's Minister Tracey Martin has announced $150 million will be spent on a new service to help young people transition from state care to adulthood.
$56m in govt funds to help develop freehold Māori land
Whānau Māori developing under-utilised freehold land is the focus of a new $56.1 million government investment.
Ardern warns of risk of global headwinds ahead of Budget
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has warned about the risks of an unstable and uncertain global climate for New Zealand businesses.
Lower public transport fares for low-income households
The government has announced plans to lower public transport fares for low-income households through it Wellbeing Budget.
Govt signals it would loosen debt target rules in future
The government is likely to ease its self-imposed Budget Responsibility Rules, giving itself the scope to spend up to $15 billion more a year if it is re-elected.
Further funding to aid over-stretched ambulance services
Ambulance services say a $21 million funding boost will help keep stretched services running while longer-term solutions are found.
$320m anti-violence package 'a good foundation'
The government's pledge of $320m over four years to stem family and sexual violence is only a start but the money is being spent in sensible ways, the head of Women's Refuge says. Audio
Govt commits $320m to tackle family and sexual violence
The prime minister has unveiled a plan to tackle family and sexual violence.
Rheumatic fever fight: 'We must address the causes, and not just the symptoms'
The government will spend $12 million in an effort to combat rheumatic fever. Audio