Running up the flag in Scott Base
New Zealand is to get a new, modern, and expensive development at Scott Base. Is it just for science - or are other factors at play here?
Conservation park declares war on rabbits
A conservation park near Masterton is about to level up its battle against a soaring population of rabbits, after a funding boost from Government.
Tourism operators want new rules for national parks
Tourist operators say the rules governing national parks are so outdated that when a crisis like Covid-19 strikes and they need to adapt, they're hamstrung.
Critter of the Week: The Goblin Shark
This week's critter is perfect for a Friday the 13th show! Drifting in the dark waters of the world's deep oceans is a rare species of shark with demonic jaws, the Goblin shark. Audio
Conservation millions also help Taranaki hapū and whānau
Ten million dollars of funding for conservation projects in Taranaki is also fostering hapū and whānau, say project leaders.
When eco-products are more marketing than truth
Companies are increasingly claiming to be 'eco' - their products are good for the planet - but how true are these environmental claims? And how much is just greenwashing? Audio
'Devastating' research: Fears emperor penguins face extinction as ice habitat warms
If Antarctic sea ice continues to decline at current rates emperor penguins will become extinct, a new report predicts.
Dianne Ludwig: welcoming back slow fashion
For most of her professional life Dianne Ludwig worked in the corporate world, but when she retired she decided to start a small hobby business selling vintage clothing online under the moniker… Audio
MPI puts pinch on black market crayfish ring
MPI officers believe crayfish black-market ring took more than 4300 crayfish from Hawke's Bay.
Hopes to restablish South Island tīeke on the mainland
It is hoped the release of South Island tīeke into a wildlife sanctuary in Nelson will re-establish the birds permanently on the mainland.
The rare wattlebirds are the first species to be… Audio
Kāpiti community reeling at proposal to increase snapper fishing
A community on the North Island's west coast is reeling against proposals to ramp up snapper fishing in the area.
Following a complete depletion of snapper in the area at the beginning of the… Video, Audio
Looking indepth at marine mammal euthanasia practices
New research on stranded marine mammals shows a low global reporting rate on euthanasia practices. Marine Biology Professor Karen Stockin talks to Jesse about what's missing in the ongoing research. Audio
SNAs issue must be tackled head on, councils, iwi told
There is no escaping the thorny issue of SNAs, councils and iwi on the West Coast are being warned.
Putting a price on animal rescues
Why do New Zealanders get so invested in saving wild animals that strand themselves? Is it worth spending thousands on getting them back where they belong? Audio
A lifetime with sharks - Valerie Taylor's story
Legendary Australian diver Valerie Taylor knows so many people are afraid of sharks because of her work. Her story is told in Playing With Sharks: The Valerie Taylor Story. Audio
Great Barrier Reef dodges 'in danger' label after lobbying
UNESCO won't add Australia's Great Barrier Reef to its 'in danger list' after a whirlwind political intercession overrode scientific advice.
Baby orca Toa buried by Ngāti Toa
The stranded baby orca Toa has been taken by iwi to be buried, after his health deteriorated last night and he died.
Search efforts to find orca calf's pod ramp up for weekend
Search efforts to find baby orca Toa's pod will ramp up this weekend as crews make the most of a fine weather window.
The orphaned calf was moved from a pool to a sea pen last night where he began… Video, Audio
Critter of the Week - The Snail-sucking Ground Beetle
This week's critter is a snail's worst nightmare. It's the snail sucking Ground Beetle. Audio
Tough decisions for baby orca as search for family now 10 days
The search for the family of baby Toa, the lost orca calf, has reached its 10th day - and rescuers are considering tough decisions about his future.
There have been multiple unconfirmed sightings of… Video, Audio