Election results for Solomon Islands
To Solomon Islands where most of the final election results are in. Audio
Media commentator Gavin Ellis
Gavin Ellis touches on coverage of the Labour leadership story, and over the top reporting of George Clooney's nuptials. Audio
Political commentators Mike Williams and Matthew Hooton
On Labour's future leadership. Audio
Labour could have a new leader before its review is complete
Labour could have a new leader before it's finished a formal review into its worst election result in more than 90 years. Audio
Former Labour gen sec says leadership contest should wait
The Labour Party could elect a new leader, before even finishing a review of its worst showing at an election in more than 90 years. Audio
Analysis from our political editor Brent Edwards
Our political editor Brent Edwards has been following today's developments . Audio
At least three Labour MPs considering challenging Cunliffe.
The Labour Party leader David Cunliffe is facing a possible challenge from at least three of his caucus colleagues, following the party's disastrous election defeat. Audio
David Cunliffe
David Cunliffe speaking at the Labour Party's election headquarters. Audio
Election Night Special Part 4
Guyon Espiner and Kathryn Ryan are joined by reporters across the country, with Radio New Zealand's Political Editor; Brent Edwards, and our election analysts, the executive director of UMR Research… Audio
Election Night Special Part 3
Kathryn Ryan and Guyon Espiner are bringing you the results as they come in; joined in the studio by Radio New Zealand's Political Editor, Brent Edwards, our election analysts, the executive director… Audio
Election Night Special Part 2
Kathryn Ryan and Guyon Espiner are joined in the studio by Radio New Zealand's Political Editor, Brent Edwards, our election analysts, the executive director of UMR Research Stephen Mills, political… Audio
Election Night Special Part 1
With us this evening to analyse the results as they come in is Radio New Zealand's Political Editor, Brent Edwards, and our election analysts, the executive director of UMR Research Stephen Mills… Audio
Focus on Politics for 19 September 2014
From tonight party leaders can only wait until the vote is counted tomorrow night. In the last week there have been revelations about spying and speculation about what a post-election goverment might… Audio
Political leaders in Auckland for last day
Political leaders are converging on Auckland ahead of tomorrow's vote using that last hours of campaiging to shore-up all the support they can. Audio
The Panel with Matt Nippert and Bryce Edwards (Part 2)
Topics - Do you goal-set? There is evidence that goal setting can do more harm than good. Election officials are reminding users of Twitter, Facebook and other forms of social media that they are… Audio
The Panel with Matt Nippert and Bryce Edwards (Part 1)
Topics - A former Customs lawyer has reportedly accused senior Customs executives of ordering him to bury information that could embarrass the Government. The last election discussion and Scotland the… Audio
National rules out any deal with the Greens
John Key is ruling the Greens out of any National led government. Audio
Latest One News-Colmar Brunton poll just been released
The latest One News-Colmar Brunton poll has just been released, a day after the 3News-Reid Research poll showed the National Party continued to retain strong public support. Audio