Weekend Stuff - Lynda Hallinan
There are two ways to approach weeding in early spring: you could be healthy like Nicola and eat your weeds, as so many of the unwanted seedlings of spring are indeed edible - oxalis, chickweed… Audio
Gardening with Lynda Hallinan
If you want new potatoes on your Christmas table, now's the time to get started says gardening guru Lynda Hallinan. Audio
Soil health and growing kai with Maanu Paul
Reinstating swamps drained for agriculture can produce more economically by farming eels than dairy, a respected Kaumātua Maanu Paul says. Audio, Gallery
Now's the time to plant gladioli
Gardening guru Lynda Hallinan says if you want beautiful gladioli blooms for summer - now is the time to get planting! Gladioli typically are at their best 100 days after planting - so it's the time… Audio
Lynda Hallinan on fragrant winter gardens
Gardening guru Lynda Hallinan says winter fragrant plants lift your spirits. Audio
How to grow seeds
During lockdown people went all out and stocked up on seeds says Kay Baxter co-founder of the Koanga Institute. She wants people to make time to plant their seeds and ensure they prosper. Audio
Tree planting for Spring with Lynda Hallinan
It's tree planting season and gardening guru Lynda Hallinan knows the best trees to plant for spring blossoming. Audio
Why aren't we encouraging more rain water harvesting?
With water restrictions being placed on Auckland and Northland due to drought, should urban dwellers be storing rainwater for irrigation and non-potable use when the weather gets dry? Audio
Finding his feet in New Zealand through his hands
A Filipino photographer's new life in Aotearoa was turned around after he discovered a new way to grow connections with community and land. Produced by Kadambari Raghukumar Audio, Gallery
Covid-19: Linda Blair on the importance of friendship
Studies show that millions of us are lonely, and it is now more important than ever to be able to rely on our good friends. Clinical psychologist Linda Blair says we've learned a lot about friendship… Audio
Gardening advice from Lynda Hallinan
Lynda talks about the drought, and also symbolic tree planting. Audio
From bowls to brocolli Jess Barnes
Gardener and composting queen Jess Barnes is helping transform the neglected bowling club in Porirua into an urban vegetable garden. The produce from the garden is used in community cooking classes… Audio, Gallery
Gardening with Lynda Hallinan
Under Alert Level 3 gardeners should be stocking up on what they haven't had access to. Audio
Community Gardens and Food Security
Ginny Webb has just completed her PHd studying community gardens. Are they answer to food insecurity and social isolation we think they are? Audio
How Gardening Can Soothe The Soul In Troubled Times
Editor of NZ Gardener Jo McCarroll discusses the therapeutic nature of gardening. Audio
Time to plant winter veges
It’s time to put in those winter veges in the ground now, Lynda Hallinan says. The warm soil will help them to get going and we should hopefully get some rain soon.. Audio
How to maintain your lawns
If anyone knows about lawns and how to keep them looking great - it's a groundsman. Rupert Bool is tasked with looking after Hagley Oval - he'll be here to share his tips with you! Audio
Sowing seeds of hope: Kay Baxter, Koanga Institute
Kaitiaki of plant collections, mentor and educator Kay Baxter is co-founder of the Koanga Institute in the Hawkes Bay, home to New Zealand's largest heritage food plant collection. Over the past 30… Audio, Gallery
How gardening creates a time warp
Gardening is more than a relaxing hobby. It's good for your health, whatever age you are. Dr Harriet Gross is a psychology professor at Lincoln University in the United Kingdom. She explains why… Audio
Frank Jansen: gardening for mental health
After a breakdown eight years ago, Frank Jansen decided he'd never work in an office again. He now creates gardens for people with mobility or sensory issues and is head gardener at Katherine… Video, Audio, Gallery