The Secret Life of Girls
What do young girls like to do? How do they see themselves in the world? These are the questions being answered in a new documentary series, The Secret Life of Girls. Audio
'Bananas' split over their cultural identity
In this episode of Voices; bananas are back in the spotlight - what does it mean to be white on the inside and yellow on the outside? Audio
Kīwaha - Give it a go! Episode 1
Kīwaha/Give it a go! A chance to learn a few super simple sayings in te reo Māori that you can use in your everyday conversations. Video, Audio
Ingrid Coles - from a Japanese concentration camp to life in NZ
Ingrid Coles shares her remarkable life story with Lynn Freeman. Born in 1942 in Java, then the Dutch East Indies, her family was imprisoned in a series of brutal concentration camps by the Japanese… Audio
Voices: Poles Apart
In this episode of Voices; the first Polish President to visit NZ causes division in the Polish community. Produced by Eva Corlett . Audio
Migrants and problem gambling: 'I thought it was a way of getting easy money to live on'
In this episode of Voices; calls for more to be done as numbers of migrant problem gamblers rise. Produced by Sara Vui-Talitu. Audio
'We largely live in a domestic military occupation' - Chelsea Manning
Chelsea Manning is an activist, politician, and former US army solider. Encouraged to join the army by her father while living as an openly gay man, Manning began training in 2007. She was deployed to… Audio
Auckland art exhibition tackles Pacific identity
An art exhibition in Auckland is tackling the big issues facing Pacific communities, including colonisation, stigmatisation and the modern identity. Audio
Debate over right to change gender on birth certificates
A proposed law change will make it too easy to change gender on birth certificates, a transwoman says.
Women Caring for Women
In this episode of Voices; a depressed Punjabi mother turns her life around to help others. Produced by Sara Vui-Talitu. Audio, Gallery
Love in a Cold(er) Climate
In this episode of Voices; a long distance love story finds a happy ever after here in New Zealand. Produced by Sara Vui-Talitu. Audio
Venus Envy: Are we there yet over generations?
In the fifth and final part of Venus Envy - made in association with Are We There Yet?, the new women's suffrage and equality exhibition at Auckland Museum - a mother and daughter perspective: Colleen… Audio
Cornel West - Confronting a polarised world
Cornel West is Professor of the Practice of Public Philosophy at Harvard University and holds the title of Professor Emeritus at Princeton University. He has also taught at Union Theological Seminary… Audio
Extra Muscle at the Mussel Factory
As one aquaculture business turns to Tonga to recruit labour for its south Auckland mussel processing plant, how do the women coming to New Zealand feel about their new jobs? Audio
Venus Envy Podcast: Are We There Yet in the sex industry?
In the forth part of Venus Envy - made in association with Are We There Yet?, the new women's suffrage and equality exhibition at Auckland Museum - Damaris Coulter, Annah Pickering and Nunu Davey talk… Audio
Rally against racism in Aotea Square
In Auckland's Aotea Square a rally against racism is taking place against the planned visit of far-right duo Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux. Audio
Breaking down Barriers in Politics
What are the barriers, in both attitudes and in practical terms that prevent more women from going into politics? The picture is complicated. On one hand, politics is changing - with our Prime… Audio
Music 101 Pocket Edition 198: Tash Sultana/This Sporting Life
In this week's Pocket Edition, Kirsten Johnstone speaks with Australian multi-instrumentalist Tash Sultana. Flying Nun act This Sporting Life return from a thirty five year hiatus, and Sianne… Audio
Young politician: 'You can't treat homosexuality or bisexuality'
Young Labour and the Young Greens are throwing their weight behind calls for the government to ban gay conversion therapy.
Concerns for Collections at Te Papa
Former Manager of Collection Services at Te Papa Dr Mike Rudge says job cuts at our national museum will seriously compromise the collections. Dr Rudge tells Kathryn Ryan about the stern letter he has… Audio