More lending restrictions could push up costs of buying home
Home buyers will find it more difficult, and more expensive, or have to scrape together a much bigger deposit to get a mortgage if the Reserve Bank introduces new measures designed to take the heat… Audio
Reserve Bank thought to be eyeing new measures
The Reserve Bank is thought to be looking at new measures to rein in mortgage lending. Audio
Tech Uber, P2P lending and space
Tech news with Peter Griffin; Uber the taxi app, peer-to-peer lending, and why Google has invested a billion dollars in space exploration. Audio
LVR restrictions lead to central banking award for Reserve Bank
The Reserve Bank's restrictions on banks providing mortgages to those with small deposits was a major factor in it being named the central bank of the year. Audio
Restrictions on home lending set to stay.
Restrictions on home lending look set to stay in place until new home building in Auckland and elsewhere starts in earnest, amid fears an unexpected surge in immigration could put more pressure on the… Audio
Reserve Bank expected to ease LVR restrictions today
ANZ Chief Economist Cameron Bagrie on the Reserve Bank's expected lifting of restrictions on high Loan to Value ratio home loan borrowing today. Audio
Economist discusses loan-to-value restrictions
An economist at the Bank of New Zealand says if the Reserve Bank were to water down or remove its restrictions on mortgage lending to people with small deposits, the market would take that as an… Audio
Labour says a possible end to LVRs good news
The Minister of Finance says financial lending restrictions imposed on low deposit mortgages are on the way out, a move the Opposition says will help first-home buyers. Audio
Insight Sunday 30 September: The Credit Crunch
What impact is the global credit crunch having on local finance companies? Audio